What am i doin with my life

how are roasties getting vc funding for shitty fintech startups. what the fuck do they give it like candy or what

Attached: 1647865821275.jpg (600x800, 130.99K)

You’re crying on Any Forums like a faggot incel instead of doing something irl. How about
You give me your dox and I’ll give you funding and by funding I mean we can play Russian roulette where you’re tied up and I keep pulling the trigger until you lose faggot

Sounds like a good opportunity OP you should do this

It's called prostitution with extra steps.

Attached: 1640466592594.jpg (540x303, 28.86K)

>vc funding

literally nothing

VC funding is about tying up people and ideas in a way that they either become viable through hiring an entire network or are kept in stasis until the funding dries up and they are discarded. If you are actually intelligent and have a good business idea they will expect you to be self funded. It is a joke of a system for funding

their dads

it always goes back to their parents

Attached: 1647618757416.jpg (1080x570, 61.66K)

People act like they won the lottery when they get funding, that shit is like a loan you're committed to deliver.

So that'll pay for 3-4 Indians or half of a white/chinese male for about a year...neat lol

Even if this was a straight cash prize it would just be "very very OK" split across 4 humans. About the size of the average UNI airdrop I'd bet.

from the thumbnail i thought they were holding a screenshot of a Any Forums post

>You’re crying on Any Forums like a faggot incel
Good morning fellow Russian internet agency shill. Top of the morning to ye.

>take picture of self with fake giant check

meds now

$120K is not a lot of money though...

If they split it 4 ways thats $30k a piece not counting inventory/overhead/facilities.

Guess they'll just work for free

Attached: ANIME_BANK.webm (406x720, 629.46K)

>t. has never started a business before
You have no idea how many little bullshit fees, registrations, insurance premiums, and motherfucking TAXES the average small business has to pay. I'd literally kill to have an extra $120k in my business banking account right now, and that business regularly grosses $1-2MM a year as part of a three man team (small engineering consultant firm for US DoD).
You have no idea about anything really, like Any Forums you just gamble your welfare checks on cryptos and LARP as a millionaire by saying absolutely fucking inane things like "$120k is a not a lot of money"

This is the real problem, if it were just a straight cash prize it would be acceptable but as a venture investment that sucks, willing to bet they definitely gave away a double-digit percentage

i am going to screencap this for my future personal enjoyment. thank you for making me giggle during my morning poo.

user is right - I had a small business and paid literally 13 different taxes BEFORE I had to do payroll, lights, water, heat, insurance, suppliers, licenses, rent/mortgage, etc.

Rare based post on biz

>do they give it like candy or what
Have you not seen all of the dumb startup ideas out there? You shouldn't have to be told this, but: yes, rich people throw tons of money around because 90% of projects will fail but the 10% that succeed can be great. Your picture is likely part of the 90%.