My GF knows about my crypto stash and told me I need to make a will and put her in it

My GF knows about my crypto stash and told me I need to make a will and put her in it

What should I do?

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tell her it's done
>don't actually do it

Run up a lot of debt. Your finances will go through probate before execution. You live with cool stuff and she gets nothing

tell her ull do it when she can do that pose in your pic

You fucked up.

obviously don't fucking do it retard. If she wants your stuff she has to give you kids, and even then you should never put her name on anything and put it in a trust for your kids and make sure she knows that

If she takes out a life insurance policy on you run the fuck away

>My GF
mistake #1
>knows about my crypto stash
mistake #2
>told me
mistake #3
>what should I do?
mistake #4


That's a man

You just upped my testosterone levels by 20 points

that's the confirmation that she's a golddigger and she might be even considering killing you

Man this. You aren't even married yet and she's thinkin about you dying

Dump her she's an greedy whore

I say just do it. Why would you care what happens to your crypto after you die?

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Wait so what's the correct way to go about it like how to correct those 4 points ?

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If she knows either marry n prenup or kill her.

Btw dat ass

>My GF
>told me I need to make a will
Either get the FUCK out of there or marry that whore

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>how to correct those 4 points ?
see >Dump her she's an greedy whore

1. Actually make a will with what you want in it. Sounds like the bitch is gonna get Brad to murder you soon
2. If you want to continue pursuing this relationship (why tho), get a pre-nup now, even if you don't want to marry her.
3. Understand that the normal behaviour when hearing about a stash is:
a. 'Wow, good for you'
b. 'You should put it in something safer'
c. 'Mine's bigger'
d. 'Okay, sure'
Asking to be in a will is not normal behaviour

And /thread

Can someone make this with pepe riding on the woman's bike while wearing a harley helmet?
And turn the woman into a tri-motorcycle, one small tire where her hands are and two big tires where her feet are

I was about to get to work on it but it's 1am here


It's okay, I understand. Have a good night.