What is your side hustle?

What is your side hustle?

What side hustle would you recommend to someone to get started making a little bit of extra cash?

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whack off on webcam

This is a fictional story: I'm in south Ohio. Drive to Michigan buy unique flower bouquets and exotic plants from florists who supply the local floral arrangement shops. I then distribute based on credit and never do cash to daisies transactions for plausible deniability. I also get shipments to abandoned house which I immediately with a large market write "did not order return to sender" from Cali and distribute in same manner. It's very very lucrative and people who like floral arrangements are pretty chill. Also crypto and property. Plants aren't big game in the news so it's pretty chill, also if you opsec correctly it's not that risky. I recommend 20k retainer to the best lawyer in your area. I've used 15 helping ppl out. The Machiavelli in me knows my lawyer is aware I foot the bill. They get busted arranging lilies and roses?? Well my lawyer has a financial vested interest in having my name not mentioned.

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I print money bands or other bank related documents for local banks

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i sell cockroach semen

Please explain how this is done.

>I then distribute based on credit and never do cash to daisies transactions for plausible deniability
So you're a drug dealer? Or are you saying you rip off botanists for a living? I can't keep up with the coded speech college students who watched one too many episodes of Breaking Bad use these days.

you are correct with the first guess. michigan has recreational reefer laws but ohio only has medicinal (for now). i have quite a few friends who do this also and they make a pretty decent amount of money on the side, but the probably have a shorter drive than user's friend
t. ohioan not from southern ohio

You sound like you're from Ironton.

Sorry, that was meant for

leaf raking
making pizzas

>Please explain how this is done.
i jack off cockroaches.

Good business
I'm working on an idea. What would you pay for anonymously with crypto? Would you use bsc for it or polygon

Hardest part of business is the marketing
Warriorforum turned to sht with all the marketers selling to new marketers

Marketing threads would be good and make business a lot easier to start

If you don’t have a product an old idea is sell information, information has many forms, books, education video’s, tutorials, public speaking and the list goes on

The hard part is presenting the information after packaging it (copywriting) and then getting it in front of the right audience (marketing)

Get down on your knees and tell me you love me.

Occasionally I'll translate hentai for internet points so I can download more hentai. I don't need a side hustle now that I've made it and I'm early retired but I'm still too ((chosen)) to actually pay for internet hentai points with real (fake) money.

kek, haven't seen that gif since like 2009

>I immediately with a large market write "did not order return to sender"

I would like to buy bitcoin anonymously with USD. Make it happen.

Marker """"

Cash only. I wouldn't even use xmr.

Downtown/Clifton between otr and uc

How much u make doing this? Are you anonymous or is your face showing?

In a short story I wrote I'm a drug dealer, in real life I'm a very ordinary run of the mill every day Joe doing what I can to fight against the oppression of the incumbent corporatist botanical monopoly. Just curious, bait? Or legitimate over 9,000 autism.