Terrorist nations are giving the greenlight to bitcoin. This is really bad bros

Terrorist nations are giving the greenlight to bitcoin. This is really bad bros.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-24 150527.png (1315x1270, 762.33K)

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Shut the fuck up

>Terrorist nations
god you fuckers are retarded



>public ledger
Tainted bitcoins in 1..2..

Game over for Shartmerica

>terrorist nations

Attached: 1534148932682.jpg (182x250, 4.26K)

just airdrop 1 sat to the whole fucking network and let it all be tainted

what is coin teleport

that's a pleonasm

They should use Monero

Attached: qg4.jpg (2000x1640, 2.29M)

>nations use cryptographic currency
>bearish for cryptographic currency
Even in normy speak you sound retarded

monero has no max supply and is therefore worth 0. use mimblewimblecoin.


>he thinks Russia is Iraq
how do i know you retards couldnt even pin Ukraine or Belarus on a map

Funny cope, in reality its Deflationary since more XMR keys get lost then inflation

The US has not yet done so. The worst terrorist state. So for now everything is OK.

Attached: amer.jpg (587x468, 52.93K)

wouldn't that cost a fuckton in gas fees?

Thank god--someone had to do it. I'm just glad it's a major company.

Top kek, but the rolls are reversed. Can you change the white guy to a blue haired antifa, or maybe a reddit zoomer with soiface?

Fees, user. Fees.
But honestly, maybe lol. Just get a bot to do it and do it over multiple months.

Only retards think that liberating people is terrorism.