/bg/ - Bagholder General

Missed 2 bullruns holding this piece of shit

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It's about to do a 10x

oil prices going up but my rlc is still doing nothing

I hate this shitcoin so much. These 2017 bags are some of the heaviest.

You got greedy not selling Coinbase, sorry not sorry.

It's a real fuckin useless piece of shit.

I'm glad I sold it during the coinbase pump
However I shifted my money to HBAR and am now stuck with this crap

Kek, you complain about carrying bags. My back is forged from steel, and I carry the world.

Attached: You carry bags, I carry worlds.jpg (1079x1890, 311.76K)

rlc token literally not needed m8, sooner you realize the sooner you can shift your funds to tokens with actual utility not just now but in preparation of web3
Decentralized marketplace / aws computing / nfts etc will be held on eth and avax.
privacycoin actual currency = xmr
digital gold store of value, potential to be used via lightnig network in the future = btc
Oracles = Chainlink
lmk why you still believe in this project and where they fit in the market, describe in depth the utility of their le 'cloud computing' cancer they've been regurgitating for 5 years

Attached: mongol foot archer.jpg (2112x3199, 1.64M)

I bet this archer fucks like a mongol raider

Wtf I love mongol foot archers now?

bros... imajin being smothered by her soles after a long day or archering

>he didnt sale the coinbase pump

why not?

I warned you

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Digital dog shit

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250x this year

Checked but not happening

piece of shit

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This little dead cat bounce is the last chance to dump above $2 before it eternally goes back to 30 cents.
Never trust the French.

I sold a few months before coinbase after holding for three fucking years. Fuck this coin and fuck Gilles I hope he gets a Prolapsed anus from getting assfucked by trannys and I hope it kills him.
