I told you faggots a month ago to buy an ethlizard NFT. Now you're too late

I told you faggots a month ago to buy an ethlizard NFT. Now you're too late

Attached: unnamed.png (2000x2000, 323.96K)

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Fuck off you pajeet bagholding sperg

Yeah you keep liquidating on crappy BTC shorts whilst I'm 8x'ing faggot

> tfw not amphibian and kek

Attached: kekekek.png (220x200, 4.04K)

one trade in 2 months... yuck. kys ngmi

Attached: altkekisgay.jpg (1461x1556, 121.62K)

its literally intentional if u dyor. 2eth floor by summer. its happening

kek confirmed it.
check those digits.


holy based kek digits

OK I buy altkek

alternating kek
47 47 47 47

brb buying AltKek #47

Attached: unnamed (1).png (220x200, 4.11K)

it is already written. you dont understand KEK or his power and what he caused with those digits. seethe

GTFO user, not everyone is into NFTs , for instance I have a very big flair for Gaming NFTs so more often than not I tend to get involved with projects centered around that like Crypto royale, DKT etc other than some fucking jpeg images.

i am seething, i kneel

Attached: 1..jpg (1200x675, 68.71K)

Seriously but the ethlizards floor just doubled since yesterday. Now 0.5



Attached: 47474747.jpg (474x541, 62.46K)

ethlizards have same creators as illuvium and they're tying into gamefi. just sayin' you money hating faggot.

an ancient deity better than " same creators as illuvium and they're tying into gamefi".

kek is present

Attached: heshere.jpg (474x474, 28.11K)

already did opensea.io/collection/alt-keks

holy shit i kneel

he is pleased and wanted to confirm with us

You guys are idiots kek isn't real, superstition is a jew trick and you've fallen for the digits meme