Tell me Any Forums is this discriminatory? could one profit off this?

tell me Any Forums is this discriminatory? could one profit off this?

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>new zealand

as opposed to old zealand

get the vaxx.

The Beitish named its after claiming it the "New Zeal of the Land" before raping and killing thousands of Maoris like when Ghengis Khan toppled Baghdad. There cant be an Old Zealand

Wow that's cringe

Bump for potential lulz

One of the few countries not to be ravaged by the virus. They are doing something right.

turn off the tv. literally nothing happened

No there's literally a Zealand in Holland.

Nobody cares if youre an unvaccinated special snowflake. Go back to Any Forums.

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whine about it, jobs are business

it glows


I got 'ravaged' by this literal meme flu twice, yet here we are.

Elites live here, what you expect, they want controlled people only.

you're intentionally doing that huh


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I will not date a guy unless he is vaccinated. I ended child hood friendships because of the vax. I'm currently single because my BF wouldn't take the jab. See how important this issue is for me and basically any smart person who doesn't want to die from Covid.

oh so you're a faggot?

>Maoris spend hundreds, if not thousands of years developing a culture which sees extreme violence as one of the highest virtues in life
>ruthlessly kill and subjugate all smaller islanders and tribes you come into contact with
>cry when someone finally does it to you
oh no. anyway.

thats current zealand