I wish I was smart and rich to trade defi and stake ect

I wish I was smart and rich to trade defi and stake ect

I respect some of you guys even though some can be jerks. There are a few 6 fig + frens that are well adjusted and earned there keep.

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Type k to kill

How did he get more chin during the transitionthough


i wish i was part of half the discords youre all in but im stuck in this shitty place

Stop being ironic it's not funny

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This is considered child abuse in my country

I love this place and you have tought me so much but this kind of stuff demoralizes me like you wouldn't believe. Can you stop? Post something beautiful and uplifting, we all wanna make it to gtfo



K this homo

looks like a pedo before AND after. Impressive.

even a tranny get laid an you're still a virgin

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i like being a virgin. sneed about it

i beat you have plenty of sex with youself which is kinda gay since you're a man

>you're still a virgin
i wish, tfw when you hate women so much you want to unfuck them

Attached: Onizuka_Awsome_face_by_Kappaa.png (640x640, 398.9K)

yeah. wish i didn't.
please pray for me bros

its not wise to anger a wizard user

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