Schwab Economy sounds comfy?

Any Forums, I went through much of the material from the WEF et. al, and I just wanted to make sure I understand because it doesn't sound all too bad.

>Everybody gets a UBI based on their country's currency with negative interest rates
>In order for you to increase the amount you receive monthly as part of your UBI, you have to work and invest your money in companies that pays dividends (stakeholder economy)
>As your monthly increases throughout your lifetime, so does your security, which means generally you don't have to work as much or you have much more leverage
>you'll be able to travel much more often and exchange your monthly income for experiences
>Most people are unlikely to eat any kind of bug/air based protein if their monthly income is increased enough, but it is an option for those who seek to maximize their monthly options
>people won't have to work for a living, they can survive based on their UBI + dividends and the more you contribute the higher you receive monthly passively

The only caveat as I understand it is that the price of commodities would skyrocket, and people would basically live in rent-based economy. But honestly, if you can work and increase your monthly income you can likely also rent nice places for you to live, and since your income is guaranteed given your stakeholding position, you could live in nice places without ever committing to owning anything.

Am I getting this kind of right? It seems most people exagerate on the "eat the bugs" kind of stuff, but I think most people who are not easily replaced by AI will not have to worry about this, together with the great benefit of not having the "no work, no food" pressure looming over you, and instead of having to deal with owning shit, you can just focus your on experiencing life.

Not the end of the world, all things considered.

Attached: Klaus-Schwab[1].jpg (1380x776, 140.7K)

The problem with all of this is the same with everything. You will be forced forced live around black people. Your children will be forced to date them. If this is ok, go for it.

Says who?
If your income is high enough you can move to areas others wouldnt be able to move to.

Rent prices are going to go up, and people who can afford higher income areas, will. People who can't, can't.

>Says who?
Successor ideology says so

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they can't and wont force anyone to do anything my dude

What's gonna stop them from cutting off my UBI for not having a good goy score because I didn't get the vax?

user, one of the most important elements of this is that UBI will be inextricably linked to the social-credit system. If you don't follow the current demands of whatever totalitarian government regime you find yourself living under, you will enter into the state of exception - that is, become a non-person and be excluded from even the bare essentials of life. The vaccine passport is just the beginning, an early test case, of this plan.


This is the main concern. Orwell articulated the point very well in 1984. The government (in this case the WEF and everyone in their bed) will have absolute control over every aspect of your life. It's a very fast track into a real dystopian future.

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They can force anyone to do anything when you can't live without their help

it would take probably something incredibly insane for this to happen, but they could technically impose limitations yea

but generally, the game is still one that needs players, if it becomes unreasonable then people will just reject it

"you can't live without their help" is only a thing if people choose to let that be a thing
they dont want that to be a thing, so the game should be expected to be fairly reasonable

how bad does it get until people start to learn how to plant their own food and live independently and such?
in other words, when designing a game, what makes people continue to engage in it?
by being reasonable

you need stakeholders for a stakeholder economy to work

How will it be enforced and who lives in said society? You should realize that it would be an criminal dystopia after answering those questions. But luckily it's impossible to archive anyways, especially now after the stupid handling if the Ukraine situation.

Klaus is an complete idiot, who doesn't understand that economical soft power solutions aren't the answer to everything. The primordial truth of blood, fire and steel is the only thing which matters in the end.

>rent based economy
so you can get cancelled from everything
abolishing property is communism, literally, not in the boomercon meme way
>they dont want that to be a thing
it already is, see canada, russian assets, civil forfeiture
>fairly reasonable
just like it already is, huh
>designing a game
they're not mathematicians or game designers, they're power hungry bureaucrats at best, satanic pedophiles at worst

this is by far the most jewish thread i've seen here in a very long time
>you will eat ze bugs
>you will inject the soistrogen
>you will rent the tranny porn
>and you already like it
>and that's a good thing

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OP reeks of JIDF

Have you not been paying attention? They've already done it. In Canada, I can't board a train or and airplane without a vax pass.


>Give us total control of everything
>We promise it will be totally sweet, bro.

You already don't have to work for a living in the West. Food, medical, housing, telecom, heating oil, and much more are provided to the poor in the USA.

Fuck off glownigger faggot.

>my dude
Oh FFS. Next time just whip out your rainbow flag and start cooking streams of onions all over the place so I don't waste my time.
Kys commie.


It's an shitty idea in general, prison would just be preferable to partaking in said society. What exactly is stopping me from looting and killing, if the only punishment is an different living pod in the end?
The whole Great Reset idea only works in low T faggot communities, everything else would become an corrupt and dystopia hellhole just like China.

lot of smoothbrains ITT
what you're describing is literally how most people live right now
Any Forumstards clutching their pearls at this are retarded, they just enjoy bitching online while things get "worse" as if they even understand any of it outside of meme infographs and "EAT ZE BUGS"
pretty funny watching them sperg out though kudos OP

I think he's someone working for the WEF trying to gauge public opinion on this whole thing.

>Schwab Economy sounds comfy?
Yes I'm sure it sounds very appealing to niggercattle such as yourself. Mediocrity, deprived of immortalizing death.

Kys WEF tranny, you will remain in the Soul Matrix of Saturn for your crimes, and you will be in never-ending suffering. You will never ascend to the higher dimensions, you will remain untethered from Christ and the Holy Spirit. For your crimes, you will be harvested by the lower dimensional Sheol/Hell entities. Turned to liquid soup, you will experience fear like no other for violating Natural Law and the rule of God. I do not, and never will consent to any of your scams, schemes, plots and crimes against mankind. All consent revoked forever, permanently. May all of your dastardly deeds return tenfold, for your actions have harmed many. You will face judgement, and you will never be able to be forgiven. You crossed the point of no return. You will never be a woman, or a man for that matter. You are naught but a soulless vessel inhabited by demons, and you will be slain.

>if it becomes unreasonable then people will just reject it
Yes like happened in the soviet union right?

Go to bed Klaus, no one is biting. Your children will be eaten before the bugs.