Oh what was that? I can’t hear you over the amount of cash I am practically printing. GME to the fucking moon.

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what did he mean by this?

probably baggies? OP is a nigger

>amount of cash I am practically printing

cool, show sell orders then/ let's see how much cash you've secured :---)

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Just another 100% and he’ll be at his cost basis, who will be laughing then?

dude, fuck. i dont watch the charts every day but i missed out on printing some call options. still think it has another pump left in it before i burn $2k on worthless options?

wait at least a few more months for when the NFT marketplace goes live

>no-gme SEETHING as we speak
so many cases

>gamestop-branded t-shirts that couldn't keep the lights on are going to PRINT as NFTs

Holy fucking shit this board is so fucking compromised.

Just another 100% return and you break even!

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You're the one that hates nfts but now thinks a video game store is going to get rich selling nft t-shirts because it accommodates your bags lmao

You GME faggots really need to get banned. I don't even care if the "squeeze is squooze" or there actually is a massive conspiracy. Fuck, the Pope himself could've planned GME with Martians and lizardpeople and I STILL wouldn't give a SINGLE SHIT because you faggots don't ever shut the fuck up about it. It's been a year and you fucking niggers have been making threads non-stop, bringing your shitty reddit memes and faggot attitude to Any Forums and being completely unapologetic about it. Half you stupid niggers don't even stylize board names with both forward-slashes correctly. The amount of times I've seen Any Forums referred to as "/biz" without a single user calling the reddit faggot out is just sad. Hey, while you stupid reddit faggots are at it, you might as well just put an "r" in front. Welcome to r/biz, we're all a bunch of homosexual faggot niggers!

You GME baggies are the equivalent of your annoying cousin who you only see on Thanksgiving/Christmas who loves to tell you about how he's "redpilled now" and won't shut the fuck up about obnoxious topics like the JQ/black crime stats/how stupid women are during polite dinner conversation.

Why don't you faggots go "ape in" to some stupid shit and leave us the fuck alone?

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This is your last chance to get out of GME or AMC at a decent price.

>Holy fucking shit this board is so fucking compromised.

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GME to the MOON
we are the gamestop chads

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The worst part is, is that GME niggers think that they're somehow brilliant for uncovering the least interesting conspiracy theory of the last century. Holy shit, the stock-market is rigged? REALLY? You stupid faggots think you're so smart for discovering that the fucking stock-market is rigged? Literally everyone and their dog knew this for the last 100 years. It's almost like it's a trend in human history to use your wealth to create more wealth and protect your existing wealth. You faggots act like it's such a big fucking deal that Wall Street hedge funds don't play by "the rules".

Like, holy fucking shit. How naive do you have to fucking be for that to somehow be earth-shattering information for you? In other wild news that would probably blow your mind: the media occasionally lies to you, your government is not infallible, and corporations care more about profit than people! Yet you faggots come along and talk about "UH OH HEDGIES" when all of the evidence is pointing towards the fact that people who bought GME after the initial squeeze are 100% certified RETARDS.

Look at the coin I posted in my first post. It's called "APE COIN". It comes from "BORED APE YAUGHT CLUB" which is literally some faggot shit that was designed precisely to bilk money from you retarded, brainless redditors. Did you ever stop and rub your 2 brain cells together and think: "huh, it's sure weird that there are all these meme coins coming out that seem to be branded specifically towards the wallstreebets 'culture'"? No, you didn't stop and think about that because you're a fucking MORON.

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Seethe more because you are gonna miss the moon mission.

Join a real cult like FrogeX instead of getting buttfucked by hedge funds


You stupid reddit niggers may have figured out the general lingo here but you all still stick out like sore thumbs. Kill your family, kill your friends, and then finally, kill yourself.

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You clown, you bought in here months ago before the market dipped. Chill the fuck out, long way to go, decent trend though. Fucking rookie ass Any Forums/money investor. Lurk more fag