Literally every billionaire i've listened to says they sleep less than 5 hours a day

literally every billionaire i've listened to says they sleep less than 5 hours a day

is that the secret to becoming rich?

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based jeff bezos sleeps 8 hours a night so you dont have to

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it's a meme.
connections most important thing.

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Vince needs to get some sleep because his current product is shit


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>lets tell these plebs our secrets so they can become rich like us
>or better yet lets psyop them to death with shit lifestyles that totally fuck up their productivity and thus guarantee their enslavement to the wagecage

You tell me

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Wrong, even Musk said that he wasnt sleeping less than 6 hours

I sleep 3-6h
Key is GREAT food and some exercise else you're just fucking yourself over big time....
Still not rich though...

Its just a (((scheme))) to kill normies
>"oh dont worry about the side effects and your heart suddenly stopping because of sleep deprivation, you want to be rich right? Everybody knows, the key to success is less sleep and more hard work."

they're lying

this. don't be so gullible.

all of them are from wealthy families except for bezos.

to append. you don't get to a billion+ networth through physical/mental energy expenditure. the net worth comes from assets. value/property/assets/money does the work while you sleep.

perhaps in their early career when building that nest egg; they likely were sleeping 4-5 hrs. but after a certain point, your business scales and becomes automated. you wouldn't need to bust your ass as hard once investments yield higher rewards.

or like user says, a lot of these guys already come from wealth or windfalls, they got to skip the "hard work" step. none of these guys work for mcdonalds unless they're guys like dave thomas that never had to deal with niggers. most of these guys knew enough to know the minimum wage bullshit was a trap.

Doesn't seem to be working for me. Can't remember the last time I got good quality sleep for 7-8 hours straight. Also, anybody else used to have crazy vivid dreams as a kid, but now rarely dream? Why is that? It's not only that the dreams are less vivid, but the subject matter is more mundane or just coomershit. Probably something to do with lurking this website for half of my teens and all of my 20s idk

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Was bezos's family really any worse off than musk gates zuckerberg or buffett or whoever. He went to Princeton right

It's the law of attraction that only allows them 5 hours of sleep

It’s easy to survive on 5-6 hours sleep in you don’t manual labour all day and have a billion $$ in the bank

also the guys that come from wealth had intelligent parental figures. even if they're spoiled rotten, most of them had a near perfect understanding of money and finances to being able to continue their families legacy of wealth.

a personal anecdote of mine is an old acquaintance of mine; his father became extremely wealthy selling cars in southern California. despite how arrogant and cunty this dude was. He loved finding deals and reselling stuff he wasn't using. he worked an easy gig and lived pretty modestly. without any risky investments, this man will retire at around 38-40 with three homes in southern california and $12million.

i don't believe that bullshit about children spending their parents fortune. the parents know how to get their children to respect money. and build their own wealth without a legacy of hard work.

they might sleep shorter hours at night but they have plenty of time to sleep on planes and limos

>he thinks billionaires are going to share their secrets
>with common plebs
>so they get more competition

Being a liying shit? Yes.

This and being born rich

teenage parents, adoptive immigrant father who became an engineer, rural new mexico/texas lol

They take naps if they only sleep 5 hours a day

>Bezos family were not wealthy
What kind of cuck brain is this? user, what income do you consider not wealthy?