Meet D*b*s partner in crime

$CR0B0 (CroB*nk)

- 6% tax
- 3% Reflection
- 3% to LP

Spread the word, as D*b* goes up, we go up. As CRO goes up, we go up.

>No dev wallet
>Fork with no dodgy code

0.x0dDaaef9501edd91cf1044e06Aa44F0063e53c59 (remove the dot)

TG = CronosB0nk
Follow/retweet my bot on Twitter that spams normies every 15 minutes @CR0B0NK.


Attached: CRB.png (354x569, 106.93K)

How do I buy bro?

Attached: IMG_20220318_093826_982.jpg (930x1280, 118.92K)

Jannies do your fucking job and clean it up

Go to and swap CRO for CROBO.

Attached: crobo.png (960x753, 212.14K)

Fuck off retard nobody wants this utter dogshit, stop spamming threads

Fuck off, loser. Enjoy sweeping the streets while the rest of us get rich you fucking Gopi.

Attached: unknown-10.png (1361x612, 65.1K)

Only a jeet would know what that word means, you just exposed yourself street shitter
Post hands

I'm white. Whiter than you'll ever be. You're a disgrace.

Only a Jeet doesn't realize when they're being presented with the next DOGE before anyone knows about it.

Attached: unknown-7.png (1357x957, 154.61K)

Cro this looks based

Cheers Cromie, I'll buy some tonight

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Then post hands, but you wont, because we all know theres only one shade that would even know a word like 'gopi' exists. The fuck is that?
Its not the next doge, its the latest in the long line of lazy bonk clones that will rug and die off like all the others, and everybody knows it

What’s with these 4 addresses holding all the coins

Attached: ED9407AE-1A68-4206-BF7E-DA37C1D14AA1.jpg (750x679, 162.32K)

Cheers, let's do this shit. Make sure you retweet my Twitter bot too it spams normies every 15 mins 24/7

Fuck off faggot. I refuse to engage in argument with a sub-species human. Dark skinned moron.

Attached: 20220323_015127.png (960x720, 146.77K)

user, pls explain

Attached: 1537508727492.jpg (602x709, 85.91K)

Surprise surprise
It's a rug!

They are KIPS locked wallets each set to expire (for burning more supply) in 1, 2, 3, and 4 years respectively.


>as D*b* goes up
Its never gonna go back up
Dead coin with almost 0 volume
Catb0nk on the other hand

I bought, keep spamming these threads let’s make some money

Google it. It means the wallets stay locked that long, and then the supply decreases year by year (driving the price of the token up)

Catb0nk may go up too NGL I'm bullsh on all the b*nks, but this one has potential being the first on CRO chain.

Wise move. Follow/retweet everything @CR0B0NK says on Twitter and join the TG. We're about to make beaucoup bucks.

I have to go for now, but this is good progress. Same drill tomorrow.

In the meantime, I need people to make meme images so the Twitter bot can spam them automatically.

Attached: 20220323_022718.png (354x559, 97.58K)

i buyed pls dont rug

Just wait a few months it’ll be okay