I haven't made it myself but I'm pretty confident that sne is a good investment after reading about it for a few...

I haven't made it myself but I'm pretty confident that sne is a good investment after reading about it for a few minutes strongnode.io/whitepaper.pdf

Attached: 1624484309180.jpg (1950x1345, 304.07K)

>I haven't made it myself
Opinion thoroughly discarded. No gives a shit about your literal who bags unless you're a confirmed whale that has deep knowledge of the market. Fuck off and kill yourself

>some decentralized computing "service"
>you gotta connect your pc to their network to get some passive income
>still haven't released anything though, here are a few exchange listings insead :^)
How fucking delusional must you be?

T-those trips... maybe this thing does have a chance, after all?

>haven't made it myself
has anyone these past few years, op...?

Attached: 169231824239210.png (900x815, 346.92K)

Please do enlighten us with a screenshot of your wallet with 2~ million+ holdings, user. That would be delightful, since you have such deep rooted knowledge of the markets.

based schizo

No one has and it makes me sad

>it's one of those whitepapers with no drawings and no cute graphics
>my ADHD ridden brain can't even read for half a second without feeling like i will literally faint
i want off this wild ride anons. i feel like if i took the time to read these shits, my judgement on what to buy might be superior

Attached: 161234912390021.jpg (669x594, 80.71K)

Accumulation phase retard.

KEK has forsaken all of us

>it doesn't NEED to deliver its service
>it doesn't NEED to show any screenshots/videos
>it doesn't NEED to have any meaningful use cases
>it doesn't NEED to have an actual good logo
>it doesn't NEED to be original (layer 0)
>it doesn't NEED to pump (YOU ARE HERE)

Attached: 1624632574119.png (539x684, 758.92K)

Literal children.

You guys scan pdf's before you open them right? R-r-rright guys?
Oh wait this is /biz

Attached: monkas.png (1200x675, 210.61K)

me :^)

Jesus, imagine being this much of a dopamine crackhead that you need flashy drawings and colorful graphics to hold your attention span for longer than 5 minutes. You are literally and unironically ME

I just use the browser lol


S-same here. Zoomerbros meeting when?

I'm saving that pasta and spamming it on future SNE threads

Fuck you, LARPing faggot

Jesus christ dude, I don't know but I kek at you