*sanctions Russia*

>*sanctions Russia*
>*dies of hypothermia*
How do I profit from this?

Attached: RBuN5Lb.png (1004x161, 29.53K)

We're not dying of hypothermia you idiot. Germans are very privileged and can afford the higher prices. Sanctions are the price we pay to make sure russia doesn't get away with genocide.

Short the West. Long the East.

Who knew cutting off the country that supplies 40% of Europe's Natural Gas would come back to bite you in the ass

You gotta realize the Greens are funded by the CIA and are vehemently opposed to the Nordstream pipeline for (((environmental))) reasons and now rule part of the cabinet as a coalition or that was how it was explained to me by my German in law.

>We're not dying of hypothermia

I'm kidding man I know you won't die of hypothermia as long as you guys can warm yourselves by burning your own history books, bibles and any human biology book pre-2022.

Winters are so mild nowadays no one would die of hypothermia anyway


I hear cow farts are very hot, could be a simple solution to the energy problem

this. as a fellow German, I would gladly pay triple or quadruple gas prices from here to make sure Russia doesn't get away with genocide.

Wait a second didn't you guys get away with genocide

Attached: russianasset.png (586x435, 451.56K)

this. as a fellow German, I have noticed climate change causing winters to be far more mild than they used to be. we must stop climate change with green energy solutions. it's the only way.

this. as a fellow American, we must stop Tucker Carlson from spreading Russian bot propaganda to US citizens. In fact, Fox News should be canceled and replaced with more CNN.

>sorry goyim you're going to be poor because it might be cold in Berlin in 8 months

climate change isn't going to stop with green energy retard, co2 heating from co2 density is logarithmic and PMs in the atmosphere are reducing over time, leading to higher temperatures. And who the fuck knows what the sun is going to do next

fucking retarded climate change morons. Don't even know what you're talking about. Like more solar panels are going to change anything. Idiots.

I don't give a fuck about Ukraine

>heh his footage was used on Russian TV so he's literally Russian
I know you don't actually believe that. And yet you spread it around. What does that make you?
A cunt, that's what, I'll just leave it there.

This thread is filled with JIDF shills.

Climate change is fake

nice science denial chudsters, as a fellow white, I cannot believe you racists are allowed to speak on this platform of hate. Any Forums needs to be canceled yesterday.

Get a load of these bots