I did not have my newborn soon circumcised

I did not have my newborn soon circumcised.
I hope he will appreciate this in the future.
How will I financially profit from this?

Attached: newborn-circumcision.jpg (493x335, 31.07K)

I noticed you good deeds and in return advise you to invest in Algorand

You've made a profit for your soul. God bless OP.

The hospital literally asked me 3 times if I wanted him clipped. Bastards. Kids are great but getting up every 3 hours to change poop and help my wife milk are rough

I chopped mines entire dick off just saving him the trouble as a (male) who will come of age in the late 2030s.

no mental trauma and an intact penis, your son will grow up to have healthy sexual experiences. Try and keep (((porn))) limited from him, as this is their other trick to distort a young man's sex life.

teach him to collect his smegma
bake it
crush it
sell it as high protein parmsean

I will never forgive my parents who had me circumsized because they said it "looks better"

Your doing the right thing. I didnt get my tip snipped and I thank my parents every day!

But yeah teach him about cleaning the smeg....I didnt get taught this. lol

Ill try my best. Kinda rough when children's cartoons have the characters twerking, etc. Sickening

I wish I had a wife I could milk.

you'll profit from having a more emotionally adjusted son who isn't mentally scarred from being forced an unnecessary cosmetic procedure as soon as he was born.

They didn’t know, user. Cut them some slack. Be mad at those who are spreading the propaganda. Not those who fell for it. Coming from experience. I had my boy cut because I was told it was “cleaner.” Not a day goes by that I don’t regret it.

>dude just rip your fingernails off so you wont get any dirt under them
Like are you like a legitimate fuckiing retard sheep or???

This is a fully artificial intelligence bot thread.

This image really made me think...

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He says he regrets it, give him a break. As a cut guy, I sushi understand what my parents generation was probably thinking, and it made the decision to not have my boy cut a bit scary. I had to read all about how to take care of his such for the next 18 years

This is extremely antisemitic of you. How do you expect dr. shekelsteins cosmetic firm to keep making profit if he can't get cheap foreskin? Think about that.

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Retard here, what's the issue with a cut dick? Sensitivity? Plz inform me, fuck kikes

Please PLEASE don't tell me jews actually can profit off circumcised skin?!
That might be my last breaking point

Cool it down with the antisemitism pal ok.

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