I used to mock at my cousin cuz he has a son with Down Syndrome, it's pretty funny to be around that boy...

I used to mock at my cousin cuz he has a son with Down Syndrome, it's pretty funny to be around that boy, he's always dropping his food or falling and hitting himself with the ground, I'm always laughing at him, well, 9 months ago I just got the news that my wife was pregnant, guess what? My daughter is Down too and now I want to kill myself, I think I'm gonna sell all my nftb stack and leave them, I don't wanna be a good dad anymore

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Jesus, user...

make her abort that shit. nobody needs another downie in the world.

>I think I'm gonna sell
and it took you this long to decide?

It's already born you idiot, how can you abort a born child?

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wtf op kys

Easier to kill the little monster

I would just leave nigga. Move to Canada or somethin. Illegally if I have to

Karma is a bitch, eh faggot

Based user kek

an unavoidable bitch kek, dishonor

Don't let it get you down op

Israel has no right to exist

Most inorganic curry smelling shit thread today.

how indeed.
maybe its also retarded enough to hit itself with the ground?

You should ask her "what are we having again?" When she says "a girl" you reply with "no, I meant an abortion or a divorce."

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Bruh just abort it wtf how hard is this

Karma is a bitch
Sounds like you got what you deserved

Your life is going to be a nightmare. Karma is a bitch.

karma, think about it for 2 minutes to see how retarded it sounds

based nigger dad

larping nftb shill, pls off yourself

I won't lie I didn't read much I'm bad at reading

Okay so real answer, you can drop the baby off at a fire department no questions asked and they'll take care of it. No I'm not kidding it's very real to do this it happens all the time.

I would be the same as OP, I'd be fucking devastated and I'd want that gross leech of society out of my life faster than anything else. I'm not taking care of a retard I don't have the patience or time and personally I don't fucking like retards I think they are a waste of space on this fucking planet and should all be euthanized.

Me and my GF are on the same page. When we have kids, if it's retarded, abort, or if we find out too late, fire department drop off. Sure it's sad to have dealt with it for 9 months but you'll save yourself a LIFETIME of stress and money draining just dealing with this right now. If you don't you'll be one of those 60 year old couples at Disney world dragging around their drooling 38 year old son who is incapable of even understanding where the fuck he is.


>1 post by this ID

Shutup nigger

You're horrible...