Why is nobody talking about CBDC

you relies even if you make it you il be fucked hard if they implement it right user ?

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no, I use monero

So you just have your above board transactions on CBDC’s and run your grey and black market shit separate?

thats why you should be buying some monero

XLM fo real yo

>new Digital US Dollar (DUSD)
>exchange at a rate of 1:100 DUSD:USD
>still have to queue for toilet paper like Venezuela
>other countries laugh at US and start invading through allied Mexico and fallen Canada
>commissar Jamal and commissar Cletus run weekly public executions of the rich to keep everyone in line

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can you use monero to buy food and fuel ? no you cant even if you want to sell your monero and use the dollars you wont be able to, cbdc is programmable money that will decided for you hat you buy and how much you allowed to spend it game over

it's too unnerving for most of the "people" here to think about it in a serious way

truth hurts , we are deeply fucked and i am extremely black pilled right now

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What can the common man do other than loading up on lighters and chocolate to barter on the gray market?

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Buy QNT to profit from CBDCs, and buy XMR to avoid it

i dont know man even if you mange to survive a year without it it wont last long till you give in and become a slave cuck for the gov , imagine wage slaving so hard yet still wont be allowed to use your fucking money as you want. it il probably have an expire date to it so you ned to spend your bucks fast and only on the thing the gov approve aka you own nothing not even your own money

ok lets say i hold xmr and they are worth million dollar now then what ? i cant buy food fuel or pay my bills with it and how to cash out and how to buy anything with it and who will risk even buying it from you an that is off course if its not a honey pot to begin with

right so whats your plan ? I believe the only way out is to find a place far from this financial system, like a 3rd world country

seems like the only option but they are even testing CBDC in Jamaica right now, if the first world implement it the 3rd world will also do it to be able to trade and export goods and services. the only real solution to to stop the globohomo and stand against the wef cartel thats the only real solution the rest is just playing in there game with no real outcome long term

good luck then
also possible to buy land/house and trying to become self sufficient while it is still possible

i haven't mad it yet the only way to escape this with out fighting the nwo is to be self sufficent asap which i am not. but even then your children will be fucked it may save your ass for a while but what if they take your property cuz of climate change , debt crisis or what ever the fuck they are planning

Yes, LocalMonero my nigga.

yeah you can sell it for dollars but when cbdc hits you wont be able to sell it to the digital dollar they can program it this way, and even if you sell it you wont be able to use it and will need to explain to your masters where you got the money from. they will connect the cbdc to your digital id to your internet and social credit score. which means even posting an (N) in a nigger tower post can get you fucked because they will also make the internet only accessible with your digital id

>haven’t made it yet
unironically lower your expectations and move to bumfuck nowhere

Good luck trying to tell Boomers that there won't be any paper issue money.

sounds easy but its harder than you think , to move to shithole you will need some guns to defend yourself, they will think your a white rich dude and try to jump on your ass. you got any place on mind ?

lmao, you know those sjiney boomer metal rocks? Yeah guess what those gold and silver coins are used for.

boomers where the first to line up for the jew vax you think cnn wont be able to brainwash them into compliance ? all you have to say is that paper money is bad for the environment