Just bought APE, bussin' or sussin'?

Just bought APE, bussin' or sussin'?

Attached: 1611108651789.webm (720x900, 2.67M)

what does bussing or sussing mean?

for fucks sake if you're gonna give us soles at least have them presented nicely. I hate that awkward criss-crossed shit.

Oh, so she is a whore?

That shit bussin bussin bro

Bussin means good and vibin and sussin means bad vibes and sus

just another bagholder dao

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it is not looking good ape bros

It's fucking rugging right now

those women have literally never worked a day in their lives


Never will either

Attached: slave.gif (800x800, 134.11K)

they can work dis dick

Attached: 1642263016343.jpg (976x1077, 151.36K)

those are terms used by fembois. bussing is anal sex in the ass and sussing is sucking dick

good buy volume after the first leg down, will probably correct a bit more but can still see this ripping if the degen apes diamond hand their airdrop and btc behaves

What do you think they are doing on a boat? They are working. Shortly after that clip stops the 140kg pot bellied 60 year old man puts his rotten peepee inside them and they feel a shame deep down that will never be erased.

only if they can marry a wagecuck before it's too late. they're only offering one thing, and it's rapidly depreciating


kek what do i buy today to be this rotten-dicked bastard a few decades from now?

if al gore was right the seas will rise and bitches will need boats more than ever

>implying lack of tattoos is a moral virtue
Women are born sluts

i literally made 10k of this and wiped at the same day playing on futures, was fun to play at least.