How do retarded business gurus like this make money on twitter? Seriously

How do retarded business gurus like this make money on twitter? Seriously.

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He is a braindead financier but he isnt as much of a cancerous parasite as crypto dudebros and Any Forums scum. Are you mad because he speaks the truth user? Your precious fake internet coins are worthless. Same as you. Why dont you finally do an hero and spare yourself the future (and current) pain and suffering?

Ukraine proves we need crypto.

Sir you’re blinding ,e with your projection.

I am a successful entrepreneur and bitcoin investor. I do like Nick in many ways but seriously he just doesn’t get Bitcoin at all.

these are the same people that think you don't need privacy if you're not breaking the law
low IQ tards that are swept up in the group think of society
the worst kind of midwit

Usually they sell a book or some gay mentorship program. If they're into crypto they might shill a scam to their followers.

"Tech won't change you life in the next decade" is a pretty retarded thing to say, retard.

>another literal who on twitter

who gives a shit. either you're smart enough to be a multi-millionaire from crypto,
or you're not

everything else doesn't matter

What kind of sad sack of shit posts something like this. Reevaluate your fucking life user.

i dunno. it seems so but it’s just gonna be implementation and refinement of old/existing tech, such as blockchain

Smartphones have ruined every single good aspect of society. And we live in a society

The confidence of retards is awe inspiring

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This is going to be an eventful decade for tech, just like the last one was.

Yep. Retards are always so sure of themselves that it sometimes makes me second guess myself, until I realize how retarded they and their opinions are.

kek, what a retard, he sounds like the "the internet is not gonna work I can still read paper books and meet people in real life, you fucking nerd" types

His argument for why big banks are better is the exact argument that pro crypto people will make against the big banks. He's either willfully ignorant or intellectually dishonest. There's really no point trying to reason with these people, they've fully made their mind up about crypto=bad and no amount of central banking shenanigans are going to convince them otherwise.

It's kind of funny because the exact people who support crypto are the people who need crypto. People who are against crypto typically don't hold many dissenting opinions in the first place, so they don't likely have as much of a vested interest in hiding their wealth from institutions. That said, Pascal's wager applies for crypto too: you might as well have some of your wealth in crypto since it's a far worse situation to be stuck holding the fiat bag if things go tits up than it is to be holding the BTC bag if they manage to just slow the decline down forever (in which case your still fucked).

It's funny because his business model revolves around using technology to outcompete small independent storage businesses. He lives his life on twitter by slating anyone creating tech-first businesses rather than doing something manual or 'sweaty', despite his entire model relying specifically on those tech-first businesses lol

They’re the first to jump the bandwagon and forget they ever said what they did too. Don’t put too much credence in their words.

literally who?

You misspelled 'Jews'

hedious faggots like this one seriously need to be banned

>russian government effectively has all foreign reserves stolen
>civilians living under taliban rule have billions in savings literally stolen from central bank by US because muh 9/11
>anyone who supports trucker protest in Canada can have bank account and savings summarily confiscated without due process or ability to appeal
>US dollar inflated to hell by the unilateral decision of the Fed injecting trillions into the market over the past decade, effectively enriching market participants while screwing over working and middle class

I would say that the past few years has seen the rapid acceleration of the continencies that Bitcoin was specifically designed for. I think people like that tweeter have no problem with that level of government/bank control over our money, because they think it will never happen to them. They assume that because it's the neoliberal order that controls that power, it's fine. They are ok TRUSTING the system because they agree with those currently in control. But all it takes is for someone or some group to get elected or appointed who has different political beliefs, and suddenly that framework of power can be turned on any unsuspecting group.

This is just like people who don't care about privacy violations by the NSA because they "have nothing to hide"--- the problem isn't whether you have nothing to hide right now, but rather the framework of power itself that could be wielded by whoever is in control, with whom you might not agree. That power could one day be used perhaps by an administration that has a different agenda which criminalizes or somehow targets your behavior