What are your Gems? Yes I know everything is going to go up like crazy but there will be those that outperform the market by wide margins.

Post them here.

Attached: theboywhosavedcrypto.jpg (1280x720, 88.33K)

VIDYA should be mooning short term until Aimbots release late Q1.

HBAR LINK and maybe some ICP. But most importantly are XRP and XML

I thought you meant an actual GEMS thread, $5 is inevitable

in case you missed it

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Basically this

My GEMS bag is starting to feel a lot kore cosy now

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When do you think gems will be 5$


I've been told on good authority that it should be reaching $5 in about 2 weeks.

Banks where have you been!?

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All in central bank digital currency

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Yall need to be taking NFTs seriously, they're a fucking gem too. You could've minted cryptopunks for free, but yall spent more time larping on biz. You can go mint CGF NFT almost for free rn, or just continue dumbposting like you always do. Fucking cunts

Top 50 CMC coin.

>a shitcoin that had the opportunity of going to college but still failed kek
>shitcoins will never make you reach from hodling
>paper hands win eventually


nigger is a victim of a fucking failed marriage. it's sad your parents separation could make you into a complete retard. go fuck a bitch with herpes and fuck your no name shitty jpeg. shit will rug on you mfs anyway.

China launch its currency yet?

>What are your Gems?

I'm too smooth brained to understand NFT's, you don't have to if you don't want to but how do I mint this CGF thing?

lmao dev has not be so vocal lately. when's the 6969 max supply selling out? NEVER. i figured kek

Im so big on Avax atm. Shit will pump like fuck

I literally don't know how. Nor do I even know what the fuck NFTs are.

DeFi coins like Link, Grt and Aave are very much valid. Don't miss the party.

yo moron go to opensea and mint whatever shit on there