Your bags won't pump unless you shill them yourself

Your bags won't pump unless you shill them yourself

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That's most of biz's threads in a nutshell

That isn't always the case, faggot.

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Social Whitelist? Nigga fuck this gay ass shit

huh, so mizar now has its own whitelist program. Congratulations, now you need to prove just how much of an obedient dog you truly are

But most of the cases it is exactly like that

I wonder why someone would let other people trade shitcoins with their money. What exactly is the point?

Kill yourself

Bags pumping? where

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Wof wof wooof

I don't think they will

What's this shit about

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Unless we're talking cosmos coins like osmo or juno. They pumped despite everyone refusing to shill them.

... buy shib?

I did this MLM shit once for Jigstack and I couldn't even buy their tokens in the whitelist because they "accidentally" started it a minute before they said it would. Fuck them all, I'm glad everyone who bought it got rekt after the first day.

No amount of shilling can save my ICP bags.

At this rate, I've probably 'over-shilled' my Saint Inu bag and nothing seems to be happening. Could've been out on a 30x, but I'm retarded.

>Your bags won't pump unless you shill them yourself
XRP dont care about none of this

btc gets shilled everyday and we haven't hit ath back

Shit-tier bags you have then

biz ruined apecoin
dont trust nothing on here
these sick fuckers will dump hard on you