Are we still early bros

Are we still early bros

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Early to sell this rip? No.

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To what?

it's too late, this timeline is already doomed

To get fucked in the ass LMFAO

Buy the dip

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Don't know what the fuck you're talking about. The market is fucked no matter what we do or say so we're pretty much screwed

Buy me some finna nice dinner and maybe you'll get access to my bum

That... that's a scary troll face.

Fuck you. I'm tired of being told to just "buy" some dip when in reality everything keeps dumping non-stop

zoomers were a fcking mistake

Imagine thinking you can still be "early" when everything has pretty much pumped and dumped already

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Not everything, take a good look and dyor about unreleased project. Top of my mind right now, sne might be a good choice

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based doomer cunt who doesn't know any better so he'll keep making poor financial decisions

This whole generation was


>layer 0
>full of buzzwords
oh boi. Imagine thinking this shit has any chances to survive lmao.


That's exactly when you buy the dip and HODL HODL HODL

Seems like it'll keep crabbing until they finally get their shit together. How fucking boring.

Nope. You missed your chance.

>Imagine thinking this shit has any chances to survive lmao.
It has one of the best concept out there

Until it pumps.