I wish I could just be a neet and play elden ring all day

I wish I could just be a neet and play elden ring all day

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Is it better than bloodborne?

Looks gay desu just another overhead hack and slash dungeon crawler and didn’t we have those in the 90s? Diablo maybe? I could never get into games like that.

>wants to waste away playing vidya
Ngmi user. You might as well give up and just play your little gamey games.

I wish I could be a NEET and play good games instead

elden ring is shit
souls games are shit

they intentionally make the combat shit so that they can be called the most difficult game ever. if the combat was fixed the game would be easy

I’ve been a NEET all my adult life and I find video games extremely boring

>souls games
>hack and slash dungeon crawler

I just want to stay home and play Metal Gear Solid on my Playstation Classic

this is true. Videogames are escapism. If Videogames become your everyday reality, you will soon despise them and hate yourself. I was there.
Just take a holiday for 2 weeks and play that game every day and every hour, treat it like a job, and I am sure you will grow to despise it.

How am I wrong? I’ve watched the gameplay videos and it doesn’t look much different than any other hack and slash game. Environments are a little nicer graphically.

You’re just a fag. The atmosphere and environment, the story, the bosses, the artwork, the secrets etc. The games are masterpieces and you’re just a contrarian faggot I bet you play battlefield and call of duty

Damn, even with pixel perfect hit boxes you're still mad cuz bad

its one of the best RPGs ever made
whats better?
youre just shit at the game
you watch MGS more than you play it
I cant afford to take a 2 week holiday

MGS3 is the best Rambo video game ever made

Yes. Although there a few screwy bugs. One of the best games ever made.

boring. imagine wasting your one chance at life playing some diversity hire fantasy world doing literally nothing

Filtered lmao

>its one of the best RPGs ever made
Ok faggot that tells me literally nothing except you’re a fanboy.
I don’t care if it’s an RPG I hate the overhead Diablo style perspective and it breaks immersion for me.

This. And escapism is only one aspect of it. Over time your brain gets dependent on the sense of validation, achievement, and status, all of which are fake.
Video games are fine, but some of ya'll know you have to take an honest look in the mirror and decide to leave the fantasy land and invest that time and energy in yourself.

>do something that only this generation at this time in history is able to do
>go outside get drunk knock up some whore just like your retarded ancestors were doing 1000 years ago

not overhead you massive fucking faggot kys

>whats better?
reading books, playing instruments, creating art, staying active, cooking for yourself, and shitposting on the chan to name a few..

>go extinct because of le heckin video games
>pass your genes into the future like every generation before has
woah hard choice.

Nigger have you even seen gameplay of it? Overhead? What are you even talking about

Unpopular opinion here but MGS V is the best stealth game ever created from a gameplay perspective, even better than 3. It just gets shit on a lot because the storyline is filler that Kojima wasn't really inspired to write and the mission content was lacking due to time/budget.

Everything in moderation including moderation. What’s wrong with doing all that and derping out on vidya occassionally when something dank comes along? Elden ring is basically a gothic botw with rage inducing pvp.

How about working for 1 year and then taking a year off to be a NEET? Isn't this the ultimate NEET compromise to you work and suffer in order to enjoy the time and space you've created through your efforts?
I've got a few months left until 1 year of being a NEET and I'm ready for the next challenge desu. Crypto didn't work out as a viable means of supporting myself

i like Nioh more than Souls shit

I'm not a fan of the game either but you're retarded lol.