Crypto holders, I’m getting a bit impatient. It looks promising, but sometimes even my hope wavers...

Crypto holders, I’m getting a bit impatient. It looks promising, but sometimes even my hope wavers. But I have given up! I’m waiting for someone to do another big sell before I toss in another $500

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*****haven’t given up

god this is fucking embarrassing

Shib got lucky with btc not being shit. Same with safemoon. ALL alts need btc to be bullish to actually do well. Unfortunately it's a waiting game for king shitcoin

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Holy shit I hadn't checked the dob0 chart these last 3 months it's actually hilarious these sad faggots keep posting here coping about losing all of their money.

What's hilarious is your low attention span. The makings of a poorfag that is destined yo wage for 40+ years

I'm going yo confuse people. Second @ is means to btfo the first

how about u respond to him faggot

I did? Are you fucking retarded?

you cant string a damn sentence together you are unironically a shitskin

>you cant string a damn sentence together you are unironically a shitskin
You mean like what you just did right here? What a fucking retard.

lol d0bo baggies are the saddest yet funny.

just sell and cut ur losses its embarassing you got cucked by a guy named fking justin lmfao

Fyi incase you can't figure it out, what you just did is called a run-on sentence. This is hilarious.

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It looks like it’s going to have another massive red candle. If it does, I’ll slurp with my 500

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It’s just the quiet before the storm

Trash coin. I didn't even buy the top but I'm still angry at myself that I did.

Scams don't make memetools :).
Scammers make promises and never keep them. That and the wallet concentration isn't atrocious compared to 99% of other cryptos.
I suspect btc will probably crash. Still waiting for the charts to mature a bit more. I'd probably sell my btc worst case scenario to buy back lower (my d0b0 is in cold storage). Guess what though? I'll just buy more d0b0 if that happens. Thanks for concerning yourself so much about my finances! Kek.
The first red flag about you retards is how "concerned" you are about other people's money. Let's be real. I don't give 2 shits about your dumbass and you don't care about me. This is about you pushing an anti-memecoin AGENDA because your pussified brain can't cope with memecoins existing :). I can read you like a book.
CZ is smart. He capitalizes on the memecoin space with open arms. You on the other hand are an idiot. Instead of acknowledging a trend, you become an emotional bitch so'yboy and throw a temper tantrum because memecoins hurt your feelings.

It’s going up user. Thats why they keep censoring it

>I didn't even buy the top but I'm still angry at myself that I did.
what the fuck does that even mean? Kek. I think this thread is getting raided by paid shillers in 3rd world countries. How much do they pay you per post?

We’re gonna make it, d//000///br000

actually I should say paid fudders in this case. Or it could be both and they'll start shilling some random ass coin soon.