Is it too late to get some APE?

is it too late to get some APE?

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do so at your own peril

Maybe yes, maybe not I don't have confidence in either buying or shorting it so I will just watch

>didn't boughted when it was $7
I already regret my decision hope this FOMO is worth it.

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Even if it pumps a bit more it's going to retrace below the current price once the dumpening starts.


The most recognizable brand in crypto with major press, celebrity, and the de facto leader of all things NFT.

Don’t be stupid. It’s the next SHIb.

Yeah it’s going to get up to 0.5ETH/ape you’re still early

That's what I'm banking on. How many apes to make it?

No clue. I aped hard under 10 bucks. Ppl are dumb to doubt it - BAYC launched last spring and look where it is.

This coin is a Doge killer.

It will crash 75% within a month. Don't be a fomo bitch. This is biz

Uh no. It literally just started. They hype barely reached reddit.

If this coin reaches the absolute ass backwards absolute once in a million years success that the bored ape yacht club NFT’s reached you’ll only need like 50 APE to become a multimillionaire.

Also keep in mind there are only 1 billion total in supply and they won’t make any more. price is gonna pump no matter what happens

It doesn't fucking matter if they aren't "making any more" when only 10% of the supply is currently circulating That's way more future sell pressure than most inflationary tokens.

Riveting. It must be upsetting being a nocoiner. How does it feel knowing I made $300 in an hour off this shit? Major buy signal

kek, congrats user.

It's rugging

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I've bought in. Historically, I've always bought shitcoins at their ATH, so be warned.

Hsha you did it again. What is wrong with you cucks? I'm looking forward to the threads in a week

he didn't sold yet

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I dunno user

The absolute state of Any Forums. Take your bf out to lunch and fuck off from my board.