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well, for marketmakers

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its over

Post dollar vs any commodity now, chud.

Not funny though

Pic related (wheat)

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>its AcTuAlLy a CoMmOdItY

BTC marketing department really did a number on you guys.

he said the DOLLAR vs the COMMODITY you retarded piece of garbage

>muh fiat store of value

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Lmao retard


No one said it’s a commodity. Just that it’s no worse a store of value than (((fiat)))

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>Just that it’s no worse a store of value than (((fiat)))

No, BTC is a hedge against inflation too remember?

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The fuck is that? The 30 second chart? Kek Bobo is trying real hard today.

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i bought at $4,300 after the bitmex crash in 2020, so yeah it's a store of value
got anything else bobo?

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>literally a hand pointing to the sky

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>I got in the ponzi early so its a store of value
Not quite how it works buddy.

1 day chart. Again, neither reality would be a good argument for a store of value

Thanks for the biodata and fingerprints!

The card is k
sadly it's not me

Are you retarded or pretending to be retarded?

A store of value implies that the asset increases in value over time compared to other assets. I’m certain that it was not referring to 5m candles.

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