Why is this logic so hard for zoomers to comprehend?

Why is this logic so hard for zoomers to comprehend?

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>paying back student loans

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Never paying, good luck Moshe

It's more expensive to hound assholes who have no intention of paying it back than the money you're going to get. Why are my tax dollars being wasted on this nonsense?

>make most jobs require expensive degree
>outsource tons of jobs
>lower wages though inflation
>be surprised when goyem can't pay back loan
I can't wait for boomers to be too old to take care of themselves anymore, every last one of them deserves to be put in a nigger old folks home.

uhm sorry sweatie my liberal arts degree can't get me a job that can afford to pay off my loans

>Boomers constantly spew the idea that you can't get a good job without a college degree and if you don't go to college you're a failure in life
>Students fall for that bullshit and become indebted with $100,000
>Can't find job because degree sucks
>"It's your fault you took out the loan, pay it back"
Fuck you boomers.

>taking a loan out for university
Get a load of this one ameritards. Not only haven’t I payed a single euro for my bachelor and master in computer science. I even got payed money for it because I got a funding program from SAP. Also they offered me a job right after I finished with the pay I wanted. Fuck I love to live in a first world country. Must suck to pay for education and health care.

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why don't you lead by example, shekelberg?

>be black
>dont pay back shit
We are actually at the point where its decried as systemic racism that black grads dont pay back loans

How do you manage to rack up over a $100,000 of debt? How is it the mean old boomers fault that you decided to attend an out of state college with no scholarships or programs paying for any of your tuition? Your 2.7 high school GPA, unwillingness to go to community college
for a few years or test out of courses, and your $100,000 debt is your fault and yours alone. This is what hedonism gets you. Take notes.

>take out loan
>pay it back
Hmm seems fair
>with interest *rubs hands*
Makes you think...

Default by suicide.

1 in 3 black grads default on their loans

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i have $150k in student loans. im paying them back with REPAYE. literally not my problem. you will forgive my student loan debt and you WILL like it.

They're leaving out the part where they were too good for a state school, too smart to go into 'mouthbreathing trades', and too educated to be bothered learning about economics.



is it feasible for an average college grad to declare bankruptcy? it's not like they're buying houses anyways so their credit score doesn't matter

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>Get "free" college subsidized by tax dollars
>Get paid somewhere between a US grocery store associate manager and a pajeet codemonkey

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You can't get out of student loans with bankruptcy. Otherwise that would be everyone's strategy, especially 8+ year med and law students.
>rack up $200k in debt
>get hired with 0 debt.

they grew up on an ipad. they think they all deserve to be tik tok stars. it's going to be funny watching them go through their first recession