What do cryptocurrencies do?

What do cryptocurrencies do?

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destroy the will of 95% of people so 5% can enjoy life, like everything in modern society

they replace paper money

feed Indian villages


>What do cryptocurrencies do?

most are shitcoins that have already reached the max transactions possible on their networks.

one will fuel and replace every transaction on earth and power the new internet.

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Replaces the global banking industry. Also you can play games and launder money.

extract money from the dumb and greedy

Allow you to spend more time with your loved ones. Having UpBots bots trading for you would in turn allow you to have way more time with this cutie

it's a blockchain application
a blockchain is a database

Crash and burn mostly

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Needful sir

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Lol it’s true tho

redistribute wealth

This UpBots being everywhere lately makes me wanna have a bot for myself too

They make me lose money

they dont do anything. a man with them does something

What's upbots?

stores wealth in a trustless and secure way

yeah those who bought at 60k stored their wealth just fine

They make people rich

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