Reminder: 80% of zoomers still can't afford to invest in crypto while most of them want to, thanks to Snoop Dog, etc

Reminder: 80% of zoomers still can't afford to invest in crypto while most of them want to, thanks to Snoop Dog, etc...
They will massively enter the crypto market within the next few years

We are unironically still early

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Whilst true,we are still unironically in a bear market

does the big picture long term viability of crypto lie in people being able to use it untracked, decentralized for day to day transactions?

as opposed to it getting a bump from people buying it?

Why do people hate this hair style so much?

Is it insecurity?

I genuinely don't get why people get upset about this. And yes, people do get upset about it.

Small retail investors are irrelevant to the price action in this day and age. This isnt 2017 where you could move an altcoin 5% with a couple hundred thousand dollars.

doubt you're genuine, but i'll humor you with a serious answer
it looks ugly
beauty is objective, and this is ugly
people who "like" ugly/wrong things are never able to defend their case. it's always emotional arguments ("you're a hater"/"you're insecure")
ugly is ugly, that's all there is to it
moral relativism makes some people upset because it's about trying to force people to tell lies. average humans have a bias towards justice and truth, at least to the extent they don't want to be socially pressured into acting unjust and voicing untruths

Anyone on this board is obviously early, and I also do all I can to get in early on projects with solid fundamentals and good use cases, that is why I bought the dips of MATIC, DOT and SOL as well as some low caps like DKT, NII and CVP. just so I make some good gains

Unless they're naturally curly, it looks dumb, you look like a moron.

This is unironically my last hope to making it. If I don’t make it in the next 5 years when coming of age zoomers pump the market than it’s over

>We are unironically still early
We will dump massively on these retards.

Zoomers will be the poorest most inept generation of all time. When they run the world, I truly believe it’s over for humanity.

it makes you look like a zoomer
zoomers are retarded children

bullish for dogelonmarscuminu

because its nigger

I'm a zoomer and I hold ROSE and only ROSE

I'm not crazy about it. It just reminds me of zoomers and how cringe they are. But I understand that every generation is cringe. But just because my generation was cringe doesn't mean I can't point out when your generation is cringe.


t. zoomer

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Normies and zoomies don't care about crypto unless it's pumping. No one is going to buy it unless a tik tok pajeet posts himself in front of a rented lambo and says he bought it with some shitcoin. You should be looking at institutions to pump your bags, not some 20 year old faggot with $50 in the bank

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imagine being aware of the biggest wealth redistribution of this century and not being able to invest in it because no capital

When are zoomers gonna make money to invest in crypto? Every generation is MUCH poorer than the last, because our whole """economy""" is based on stealing wealth from the future.