Housing Collapse

there are no easy charts online to explore but you can go here for the data tables.


click on fails > other mortgage backed securities and see what the settlement failures looked like before the 2008-2011 mortgage crisis.
it seems likely to me that we're going to repeat that crisis, last time it happened there was a buildup that started like pic related and took a few months to really tip over.

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So buy the dip once everyone on mortgages capitulates?

it seems the main thing prolonging the situation and preventing a crisis is the money printer jews buying up these mortgage backed securities, they're up to 2.7 trillion so far (lmao) and don't seem to be stopping.
always remember central banks can print money to keep markets irrational for longer than you think


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The fed will no allow housing to collapse…not under any circumstances. It is the only asset that keeps the boomer generation from turning into wild apes. It’s a major investment pillar and why our real estate attracts too much foreign capital. The only way real estate collapses is when over 60% of the boomer population is already on the ground…then they will have no choice but to let it go and house will given “back” to the public and cease to become a financial asset.

2008-2011 didn't have skyrocketing commodities. When construction costs are going up housing prices aren't going down

Every big boy real estate speculator I know has started unloading their entire portfolios since new year, so makes sense

So that would be zero big boy real estate speculators.

stfu retard

Those foreclosures just get snapped up by blackrock.

Not when Blackrock has been deemed too big to fail.


this. house prices went up 10% in my area last month and 90% of new listings go into escrow within a week

>collapse the entire economy so faggot boomers who produce nothing can live easy
yeah that's not what they're going to do

the only way the housing market doesn't collapse is if they are planning to demolish society and launch us into hyperinflation and a scripted ww3 to create a one world govt openly

but they're too afraid to do that, too many people in the us would start a civil war

>last month

Interest rates went up so people rushed to buy

they're not "skyrocketing" they're volatile
the shortages are totally artificial and forced by the virus hoax bullshit
that's out of steam now and supply will recover in a couple months

even the ukraine horseshit is out of steam after two weeks

the shortage of housing isn't due to people actually buying houses to live in it's all speculation and when the supply runs out the pyramid collapses, the supply is almost gone already

i'm seein a lot of cope itt
your shitboxes are gonna dump, retards
we tried to warn you
and no, nobody is gonna rent your house in a shit location for $3000 a month

forgot pic

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uh oh. Are you one of them?

There’s not going to be a collapse in the housing market. There’s not a single macroeconomic indicator suggesting home prices will fall.

1. Supply and demand. Supply of homes is at an all time low.

2. Skyrocketing material costs. Lumber prices are not coming down, why would house prices magically come down?

3. Most people not adjustable rate mortgages. Once the adjustable rate mortgages kicked in during 2007 the collapse was inevitable. No such systemic risk exists this time.

4. Buyers locked in low rates

5. Buyers are buying in cash and have higher incomes than ever

I’m sorry, but it’s over, The Great Pricing Out is here, 2019 was your last chance to get an affordable home (and for many, 2019 was supposedly a “bubble”). The money supply expanded massively and average people were given bags of cash, prices rose accordingly. There will be no crash.

Attached: 364FD64C-0883-4073-9372-434305D2488B.png (2300x2227, 163.95K)

>literally every point is false
you fucking retarded nigger boomer

No they aren’t? I’m sorry you’re upset with the new reality we live in, but Australians and Europeans have known it for a while. Most Americans will not be homeowners anymore, the dream is over, this latest run up priced millions out, permanently.

That's what I did in 2011. 5 bedrooms, 3600 sqft, suburb outside a top 25 metro for under 250k.

Adjustable rate mortgages were a big player in the 08 collapse but are not a factor this time.There will likely be a slow down late 22 early 23 but mass foreclosures do not appear to be on the horizon. Interests rates will cause things to cool but a massive dump like before is not likely soon. Mortgage lending practices are not as sketchy as they were before.