Whats up you nerds/ trannies? I am visiting from Any Forums with a question

Whats up you nerds/ trannies? I am visiting from Any Forums with a question.

I found a way to scam the brave browser for around 1 BAT a day per device on top of normal rewards

>Is this already widely known here?

I am not sure if i want to fully explain the scam as i am considering buying 5-10 $30 laptops off ebay and expanding into a full blown scam empire and dont want you fags ruining it for me.

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Go back.

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Another Any Forumscel? You also have to go back faggot.

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user, they're called datacenters kek

you should try it on cloud infrastructure

Go back

can you do it on android devices?

Ha no, thanks for whining.

OP when are you going to explain the scam?

please explain further. Did i mention im a Any Forumstard?

Yes i think so.

fuck it i will fully explain the technique try to follow along it is very complex

>install auto refresher in brave
>open new tab
>set it to refresh every 4 minutes

>>install auto refresher in brave
>>open new tab
>>set it to refresh every 4 minutes
How the fuck does this make money?

Fuck off kike.

Attached: Screenshot_20220311-190212_Chrome.jpg (1080x2400, 625.38K)

Braves shows 4 Ads an hour on the new tab page and doesn't require you to click anything. Ads appear once in every 4 refreshes so by setting the page to refresh once every 4 min gives you .04 BAT per hour without having to do anything.

Wait, WE get paid with BAT? I thought “content creators” were the ones receiving the tokens from the ad revenue.

Kys kike

Yes i think by default it has "auto-contribute" enabled which gives away your BAT but turn it off and link your Uphold account to keep it all.

I averaged around 4- 5 BAT a month before discovering the scam.

Eh, not available in iOS (I like my iphone, better than using Jewgle).

What's wrong with you.

ur fucking poor

BAT hasn't shown me ads in montha

Why are you niggers so dumb?

>$.66 a day = $20 a month
>$20 a month across 10 devices
>$200 a month x 12 months
>$2400 a year
>BAT eventually reaches ATH $2.5+
>$10,000/ year per $300 initial investment.

Uninstall and then reinstall its happened to me before too.