I changed my mind, 1 million is a lot of money

i changed my mind, 1 million is a lot of money

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now that you lost your 10k you realize how much a 1million is dont you user

Its not "a lot" but its a pretty decent amount

its a lot of money to build on, I think

but if that's it, a mission for the sake of a million is not much

my story exactly, wasn't my 10k either which you would think is better but isn't...i'm still long because all these shorts have to get liquidated, right?


that's a yes haha right

how do i know you won't change your mind again tomorrow?

i could have secured 650k, instead currently sitting at 500k and feel terrible

secure the 500k thats a lot of money, you can make it to 8 figures in a decade if you're not stupid

i feel it's too late and i'm trapped between selling and seeing bitcoin go to 70k or not selling and seeing my portfolio drop to 250k

there is a world outside of crypto man. Honestly i wouldnt be playing with crypto that deep in 6 figures, its just asking to get rekt and having to start over

cash out 80%.

>seeing bitcoin go to 70k

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1 million in 1990 is fucking rich

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i know i'm retarded for not have selling more, if there is another pump i will derisk a lot more
i would like to but i'm too weak to sell rn, would like another pump

well, god speed user

if i sell rn it's literally going to
thanks, same

It's not like the cashier is going to break your 20 and accidentally give you back a million. Anyone who thinks it's not a lot is either so poor or so rich they don't know the value of money. I knew a super poor girl who would always say shit like, "I don't know why anyone cares how much the Powerball jackpot is, nobody would even be able to comprehend the difference between a million and 500 million." Well I fucking would, because I know what numbers mean.

Yeah, a mil is nothing compared to Bezos, but the average worker in the US makes about 50k a year. It's equal to 20 years of the average person's life. If you just play it safe and throw that mil into dividend stocks for ~4% and a little appreciation, you've got enough income to retire. It's a little less than average, but you'll save money by not working, since you don't have to pay for the commute, can live anywhere you want, don't have to buy specific clothes, etc. And then you can still work if you're a cuck, or make money trading or doing your own thing.

It's not a lot if you long for consumer shit and want yachts and fancy wine, but it's a lot if you are just sick of getting your soul sucked out through your asshole by the prison of the mainstream economy and want it to stop, if you want to spend time with your family and on yourself and not be some slave to your faggoty boss.

Shit I wish I had 10k

Yeah people try to factor in interest possibilities, but the easiest way to comprehend it is x=1,000,000 / your yearly salary, where x is years of your life you could spend living your life as you currently do but not going to work.

i've also come around on this
$1,000,000 USD? yeah. it's a lot

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My poorfag friend recently said a million dollars isn't a lot and he'd need more to buy land and build a house.

He has $0. We live in a flyover state.


Help me out anons. Did I fuck up?

>5k in credit card debt (i was retarded)
>30k in savings
>inflation makes debt cheaper
>take a loan from savings to pay off debt slowly through summer
>Tether the rest while slowly paying the loan back with the bare minimum as it continues to get cheaper

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1 million is a lot of money


I mean you can pay off the loan at any time so I don’t see the issue
Buy bitcoin and join the degenerate bunch of us

i was the same user. I sold last year middle of crash so not all the way bottom. Cashed about 300k, it was wort 500k ATH. I actually believed i was going to be a millionair.
Cash out now, before the inevitable flash crash