I own a house

My house has appreciated in value $100,000 because I bought it in 2019. I plan on moving in 2 to 3 years. How can I make money off of it? The market is hot and my house will sell, great. But won't I just be ripped off by the next homeowner I buy from?

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>My house has appreciated in value $100,000
Poorfag bragging thread

I wasn't trying to play the market. It was just a nice circumstance. Grow up, zoomer

It's a pain in the ass, but the obvious answer would be to sell now, move into an apartment and rent for a year or two, then buy a new place after prices have (hopefully) come down.

you figured out the housing scam
"muh home equity" is meaningless for most people
except the fact you'll be paying more in property taxes of course, kek

Sell and move to a lower cost of living area

It's amazing more people haven't figured out that your house going up in value isn't a good thing unless you plan to move to rural Bumblefuck, Nebraska after you sell. It actually makes you poorer since you have to pay more taxes without any increase in your purchasing power

Penis. Penis vagina penis vagina. Fuck dick cunt slut.

Kill yourself rentoid zoomer faggot. Fuckimg die. Off yourself. Take your shit advice and ahove it it up you gay ass faggot piece of cunt. Fuck every rentoid coping on this board and quot seething

>you plan to move to rural Bumblefuck, Nebraska
even gonna cost you there too. yeah you can find cheap places in REALLY small towns but they arent gonna be nice. unless you can do the work yourself it might be hard to find people who arent busy with projects already. dont even think about buying open land and building anything with less than a million dollars. nicer houses in Buffalo county are like +$300k. single family homes are gonna be around $150-200k in varying condition

You will never own a house, virgin need. Suck my equity out of my asshole and floss with it. Zoomers who live with their parents shouldn't give home advice.

Brianlet post from a genuine shill. Show flag.

Dilate, not him but eat my butt

First time on Any Forums huh?

Keep crying bitch

Grats that you are now in the game but, nobody benefits from higher prices other than real estate agents and investors and new home buyers are screwed by it.

Look he still cryin

Why you fuckin crying you little dick?

Yes. If you own 0 property then real estate increasing is a detriment. If you own 1 property its net neutral. If you own 2+ properties its net positive.

Lmao he's still cryin how embarrassing

Crying: The post

Cry cry cry

Oh fuck he cryin ya'll

Please stop it you're being a huge embarrassment to yourself and your mother

Yes. You sell your home in a high market you will have to buy a home in a high market.

In every thread crying lmao

Everybody sees you cryin all day hahaha

Welcome to the game. Your house is up 50% and so is the property wanted to buy. You're effectively running in place financially speaking. But it's better than falling behind that much each year.
My hope is that I can get out of my house in town and use crypto gains to make up the difference so I can get a little 100 acre plot of land somewhere.

Unbelievable fucking crying and tears holy shit

This is the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen on Any Forums. Genuine mental illness.

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>still crying

I've never seen a post have such obvious butthurt crying in it. Actually pathetic

Sell. Buy Bitcoin with profit. Wait for Bitcoin value to increase while houses decrease until you can buy house fully from selling Bitcoin. Easy

Holy hell bitch quit crying about real estate grow the fuck up

Why the fuck you cryin yo

Stop crying for 5 seconds cunt

>Genuine mental illness.
many such cases, sad!

Yup we have cry ladies and gent

Cryin 24/7

what the fuck is this thread

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