You are shorting Ukraine, right?

You are shorting Ukraine, right?

Attached: 1636848559094.png (1000x1000, 203.69K)

Other urls found in this thread:

No need for that. Shorting the West is enough

teach me how, master bobo

But Ukraine is winning

You live in the west, moron.

Based!! Kill those right wing nazis! Bash the fash!

Attached: 1645816976518.jpg (1002x827, 243.54K)

According to your television set maybe


Haha. On the one hand, I hedge with shorts. On the other hand, I continue to collect ROSE.

Chechens are literally whiter than you, mystery meat circumcised subhuman


Putin is based. May his Chechen supersoldiers destroy the ZOG GAE (inshallah).

What do you expect? He's a pro-christian jew-puppet. He supports picrel.

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Zelensky top.

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Both are WEF.

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What is there left to short? Both Russia and Ukraine is basically dead.

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Thats a hell of a lot of words for "actor"

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The idea some anons have gotten into their heads that Russia/Putin is against globohomo and race mixing and various jew-promoted degeneracies etc is the result of propaganda aimed at the West, it's how Russia markets itself via for example RT.

Pic rel.

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RT: stirring shit since 2005

Attached: 1638976463378.png (598x640, 62.81K)