So.. we have inflation already prior to and accelerated by covid

So.. we have inflation already prior to and accelerated by covid.

Now we have the Ukraine war further accelerating Inflation, particularly gas and oil prices.

The usd is crumbling and is likely losing reserve status this year and so it can't print its way out of the madness.

Enter people like pic related who will start blaming and then shooting and you've got the next us civil war.

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Fucking americunts pieces of dogshite. Imagine watching your neighbor laying all his guns on the pavement so he could snap a picture of his wife just for him to collect them all like a retard back to where they came from. Stupid fucking idiots can't stop a tyrannical government with all those guns but hey, why don't we post something to instagram. Pathetic. May God piss on america.

>I have 70 arms and can carry a 3000 lbs backpack filled with 45 different types of ammunition
The eldrich abomination prepper.

lmao non-Americans are so jealous of our guns

Supply and demand doesn't create inflation.
Inflation is the printing of money

I love guns like every other Texan but why have over a dozen guns? I just want an AKM.

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Learn how English works, most people actually really hate guns.
Shocker, I know, but after dozens of schools shootings, Billy Bob with his AR15 and son who acts edgy doesn't make people think their wholesome.
I love guns but you're dumb as fuck if you think bans won't be down the line.

No, user, no.
I think it's just a gun horder, it's like benie babies but with guns.

Fuck me soild.

What's wrong with liking guns exactly? Do you sperge when watch enthusiasts show off their collection?

>Oi oi! You 'ave a loiscense for that butter knoife?
kek stay mad. Stay jealous.

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The truth is every gun nut who believes they can rise up and take arms against the us government can't really fight against cruse missiles and drone strikes.

Typical amerishites. Where did you read me saying I hate guns you bunch of homosexuals. I got nothing against guns just as I have nothing against knifes. I was just pointing out how pathetic it is for you to boast about your gun collection while being impotent with stopping your shit government, which is the reason you have them. Not for posing to instagram like a fucking tard.
You're all a bunch of faggots

The truth is you're more of a faggot than that gun pavement model and her husband and all the faggots itt combined. You're wrong you fucking idiot.

Nothing faggot. And yes. I fucking hate enthusiasts who post shit to social media. That's why I'm here nigger. The fact that cunt had to pull those guns out of his house to rearrange them on the floor for his wife to get a instaberg pic is fucking moronic. We get it. You horde guns. We know.

Lol, u're stupid af! Try PeerMoon. it's easy even for ya.

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Kind of agree. And all that money they spent on guns could have been used to get a bigger house so their garage didn’t look so full of shit. I bet they park their second car (if they even have one) in the driveway like a bunch of fucking hicks.

>being impotent with stopping your shit government
And which government, pray tell, are you showing who's boss? Kek delusional europoors saying Americans are shit for not using their guns to overthrow the government, only to be completely cucked by your own government. The difference is we get cucked AND we have guns. At least the option is on the table for us. Good luck overthrowing what ever government you have with butter knives and screwdrivers. Seethe more

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At least they have guns...

For now..

Why hasn't Ukraine lost yet? They don't have drones, and all their Anti-Aircraft hardware was destroyed in one day by cruise missiles.