Name me one (1) reason to be bullish right now

name me one (1) reason to be bullish right now

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everyone is bearish

Because i have gigantic testicles like that of a bull

Because I know for a fact there are people who haven't made it yet.


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How do you expect to be bullish in the middle of a bear market? Just sit down and wait for the next bull run in 2024

I can't wait
I will be 40yo by then
What's the point

When billions die it will be easy for me to get the house and car that i want.

Based and the-plague-caused-the-renaissance pilled

Better than being poor at 40. You'll be 40 either way.

Because there is none which means bullshit pump incoming

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Judging by the comments in these threads I'd say we got plenty of moonboi faggots here still.

not everyone gets to make it
>oh noo i'll be in the 40s even though i'll just be the same fag as two years earlier
you dont look for signs to trade, you trade then look for signs that confirm your decision and ignore the rest

Wait you made that thread? Aren't you the poorfag that has never bought crypto even once? The one larping as a god tier trader despite being poor?

Yeah but they'll keep trying, meaning liquidity keeps flowing; some people WILL make it past this point as long as there is volume.

I stopped having hope a while ago, for the last 2 years it's been nothing but bad news over and over again. In terms of percentage gain that was the shittiest fucking 'bull run' I've ever seen, and every single time it dumped before most non-jewish insiders even had a chance to get out due to no parabolic top

Anyone who didn't realize covid was WW1/WW2-tier is a fucking idiot. 2025 was always the shortest time until all this finally gets blown over. War during covid was also inevitable, although many of us were convinced China was going to do it. They still could, which would prolong this dead era into a dead decade which won't be profitable and cheap to live in until 2030+

After covid was the 'bull run' though and not many people could predict that the markets would crash 50% overnight because Elon Musk tweeted some bullshit, or a ship got stuck in a canal, and various other bullshit FUD that was obviously manufactured.

>The one larping as a god tier trader despite being poor?

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No thjs was the easiest and best bullrun you prob bought like link or bitcoin cash LOL

Yeah I've been pretty bored this week.

thats 99% of biz