I'm scared. Shorts just went up 200% in the last hour

I'm scared. Shorts just went up 200% in the last hour.

Attached: BTCUSDSHORTS_2022-03-10_22-05-16.png (2870x2182, 222.15K)

>late shorters shorting after a dump

A glorious slurping is coming

this shit is so predictable. we are going to pump now

>They don't know
Try to backtest it from May 2021.
Bitfinex short has almost 100% hit rate

>The exact same thing will work twice
>People have already forgotten what happened less than a year ago
I disagree with you. CRAB-22 will proceed.

thats good -- theyre going to be btfo by stop hunting exchanges

Mar 11/12 Sun/Neptune conjunction opposite BTC Saturn

What are you talking about? It absolutely does not

Looks like I’ll be going long. Give Alameda my thanks.

Here comes the legendary green dildo that liquidates all you bobos

oh no no no AH8RT

Attached: 1643515171258.png (362x259, 89.86K)

Its not a naked short im pretty sure
this is a big player who is hedging his losses on another exchange (binance, ftx most likely judging by the open interest).

how does the price of btcshorts correlate with actual shorts? if its up 100% from current price how much $ is in shorts?


time to liquidated the laggards

holy shit

Shit, better buy, this shit gonna pump back to 41k

This isn’t good. Fuck

Thanks for filling our shorts

Attached: cwboy Bobo.png (1927x1787, 1.85M)

kek is this real? there's no way this ends well for bears if shorts just went up 200% in an hour right? the jews wouldn't let that many normans win

What's the point on longing/shorting when whales will just manipulate price anyways?

It’s real just google btcusd shorts. I’ve been keeping an eye on it and it was decreasing which was relieving, but this is a pretty big jump

Attached: 47422CDD-96A1-434D-BC7F-20082D1AD5F4.jpg (1170x1274, 289.54K)