Shill me projects which will save the environment

Shill me projects which will save the environment

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Clean coal


this FUCK JANNIES post was brought to you by @cheddarbag on telegram, the unstoppable shill AKA Keenan from Pregnantbutt. Send me a message if anyone wants to work on something great. Jannies will be trannies and remove this soon.


crypto is one of the most dangerous things to the environment, they're gonna make everything but save it lol

>crypto is one of the most dangerous things to the environment
Is one of the best opportunities to win ez money tho

user, everything is ok in home?

The best way to save the environment is becoming it

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you can't win ez money in a fucked world user

I can already smell the curry in here

Such thing is impossible, green crypto is a lie and people who believe in it are faggots

Yes, it is, no one is saying otherwise, focus user



igmi (?)

who would want to be interested in an useless thing like a coin that will "save the environment"

They care about the environment in the midst of a world war

Say that again

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First of all, what does a project need to do in order to make an actual impact in the environment? specially when crypto is just basically 100% pollution

SNE maybe? They are avoiding the contamination caused by the servers and prolonging the life of the tech


yes you can, I want to die filthy rich in a rekt world

They don't avoid contamination, what they do is make others contaminate for them. This is how they stay green while others dirty the world

this sounds like bullshit to be honest

You can literally use a piece of crap as a node, where is the contamination?

sure, they are ....

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save the world consisting of my personal data? where do i sign? kek

shitskin remover

Users continue to mine and energy consumption also affects the environment. They only reduce pollution, but they don't avoid it, rather they promote it