Managing alcoholism as a businessman

Active alcoholics who hold down office jobs, how do you manage it? Bonus points if your friends and family think you're sober

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I limit my self to 3-4 shots a days

First thing you need God. Through Christ all things are possible. He loves you and is very real and alive. Second, no hard alcohol, only beer and wine. Third, I don’t keep alcohol in the house. I fucking love beer, so if I get craving for beer that I can’t ignore, I either go out to eat and have two beers. Or I go buy a 24 oz beer or maybe a 40 oz beer and drink it at home, but that is all I’m allowed. I try not to drink at all, but I have had two drinks each night for the last three nights which is not good. Drinking consecutive nights is a good way to fall back into alcoholism.

Hardly alcoholism, that's less than two glasses of wine kek

Illiterate faggot lmao

Pathetic alcoholics.
You deserve to hit rock bottom.

Fuck off nigger

It's a disease buddy, have a little empathy

Mouthwash plays a big part

I think this post may actually be unironic. I'm not an alco, but one of the biggest things that annoys me with alcohol is it affects my gaming.
I don't have the reaction speed or the ability to plan as freely in challenging games. I don't play the bullish games where you can just cruise and relax.
I def have a gaming addiction instead but it is probably healthier than an alcohol one since I do control it, exercise and don't replace any social events or family time for it. I just put rules in place that I follow.

vodka, cigarrettes and cologne.
you can't smell vodka as much, but if you really go hard, you'll still look like hell and give off that garlic smell only alcoholics or italian chefs give off.
I've been to the point where I was taking sips of vodka to keep off the shakes during work, and it ended with me in rehab because my body was shutting down.
If you're not at the point of going through DTs you should really quit.

I relapsed recently and was able to cut it off before it got bad again by doing a 4 day NAD+ infusion where you can't drink in between.
NAD+ is a cellular reset and it also helps with cravings immensely.


Just get drunk 1-2 times per week
that is what I do
Also, I do not get blacked out drunk
only drink vodka and whiskey

addiction is, alcoholism isn't, you just need to want something more than booze.

I was in business development for international containerized cargo for years till cirrhosis started. Now I just don't keep booze in the house and I'm good.

The problem was I never got caught, I never got. a DUI and never made a fool of myself at functions so I continued drinking in the morning/lunch/dinner till it was damaging.

You're going to be addicted to something so you might as well make it something constructive or lucrative.

unless you're grieving stop being a little bitch about it

>Illiterate faggot lmao
Zero self awareness, are you white American by chance?

>It's a disease buddy
No, it's an addiction at best, at worst a dependency you need to stop succumbing to.

Why weed is still federally illegal while your poison is legal to buy is weird as fuck.
I'm not saying anything about prohibition, we all know how terrible of an idea that was (thanks ladies and beta males) but THC/CBD shouldn't be regulated at all or very little.
I hate tobacco and alcohol with a passion and cannot wait to rid my self of this infliction.
I miss running around like you wouldn't believe.

>The problem was I never got caught, I never got. a DUI and never made a fool of myself at functions so I continued drinking in the morning/lunch/dinner till it was damaging.
>unless you're grieving stop being a little bitch about it
I'll never understand they hypocrisy of this site.
I hate the people who post here so God damn much, you little fuckers ever think maybe YOU are the cause of all your problems.

I was addicted to meth, weed, booze, cigarettes, oxycontin all at the same time, if I can be 13 years sober so can you buck the fuck up.
I literally have zero dollars or crypto to my name and every excuse to be drowning my sorrows and blogposting about it but I don't.

>you little fuckers ever think maybe YOU are the cause of all your problems.
Yeah definitely and I don't think anyone else in this thread is denying that either. Problem?

You were addicted to the point you developed cirrhosis yet were able to quit cold turkey? Or did you have to gradually taper off. I’m curious because i’ve always read that it’s dangerous to quit cold turkey (risk of seizures)

the only disease where you get to get drunk all the time.

i'm an alcoholic because my father is, and his grandfather was too. it's not a disease. its a choice to renew every day compounded by the shitty life required to want to drink all the time. i chose to drink on the job because i didn't give a fuck and was an irresponsible fuck. i still enjoy a beer on the clock because i work from home but the days of me drinking instead of working are done because i want them to be done

Try kratom if you want to quit. I used it to quit weed, and it’s been shown to be effective in helping with alcohol and opiate withdrawals especially. It’s very nice to have a nice kratom tea every night and it has virtually no negative side effects.

>virtually no negative side effects
Im bald now and can't shit regularly cause kratom