I cashed out 10% of my portfolio to go on a 14 day luxury trip with my girlfriend

But I don't have a girlfriend

How do I profit from this?

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I can literally kill a woman with a single punch, I can outsmart nearly all of them, I'm objectively more aesthetic removing sex appeal and makeup out of the equation, I'm athletic and healthy, I'm wealthy.

These are literal inferior subhumans to me and should be grateful they even allowed to speak near my presence let alone demand things, The audacity is laughable, Women only power come from limitation that men put on themselves and they deep down know it.

Only use 5%, it's simple maths, man

set aside hopes of getting a gf in that 2 weeks and actually try to enjoy yourself. following that advice wont help you get a gf. just enjoy yourself.


incel thread

>I can literally kill a woman with a single punch

why wouldn't you go to thailand and fuck hookers instead. wtf is wrong with you



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Stop fantasizing and start shorting. That's my only advice for you OP

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Tape a piece of bark to a twig and punch it full force. The bark will crack and the twig will snap.

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>I can literally kill a woman with a single punch, I can outsmart nearly all of them, I'm objectively more aesthetic removing sex appeal and makeup out of the equation, I'm athletic and healthy, I'm wealthy.
>These are literal inferior subhumans to me and should be grateful they even allowed to speak near my presence let alone demand things, The audacity is laughable, Women only power come from limitation that men put on themselves and they deep down know it.

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>I can literally kill a woman with a single punch, I can outsmart nearly all of them, I'm objectively more aesthetic removing sex appeal and makeup out of the equation, I'm athletic and healthy, I'm wealthy.
>These are literal inferior subhumans to me and should be grateful they even allowed to speak near my presence let alone demand things, The audacity is laughable, Women only power come from limitation that men put on themselves and they deep down know it

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