The number of industries Strongnode improves? All of them

The number of industries Strongnode improves? All of them
The number of Nodes that can connect to their network? Billions
The mogging AWS and other cloud computing firms will receive in due time? Brutal

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unironically weird fixation on elon musk


What the actual fuck is the attached file?
Elon Musk?

Any source for ur claims fren? :^D

Strongnode status: SHIT

Attached: sus.jpg (500x500, 22.14K)

Last point got me interested. Anything to shit on Google/Meta/Amazon no matter how small the damage might be.

It is, actually, Elon Musk

and that shitty af bad history video

Who cares about nodes and shit like that when they're literally stealing all your personal info?

i bought because it's based polygon. nothing else.

discount elon tusk
sus af


Attached: jiNiGfk7_400x400.jpg (399x399, 12.7K)

Attached: sne.jpg (271x186, 13.65K)



you will never have a position of power.
you will never "stick it up to the big man".
you will forever be a good waggie.

i didn't understand a fucking word you said, care to speak in english next time?

Who cares about some addresses and passwords when they're PAYING YOU?

Attached: 1428340615812.jpg (622x529, 70.3K)

>He doesn't know the big 3's monopoly will remain forever and ever
You are very retarded if you thought Facebook's 200+ billion loss is anything to celebrate. They probably already made that amount and more already.

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I unironically dislike his fake hair


>written from an amazon workplace

and the whole warner media, don't forget that one

nobody's gonna give a shit about your furry porn Suresh, stfu

Who cares about anything when im going to KILL (YOU)?

You guys are fucking obsessed with that man

>Don't believe me? It's all in the numbers.

excuse me for being obsessed with the man that is revolutionizing modern science

No one needs your info nigger just sell it

>be me
>buy the coin of the future
>get rich
i love comfy investments like sne

I don't believe you, I don't believe in myself, idk what are you expecting me to do

pass on the best oportunity of the century then, when the tech is already implemented you will cry

are those t-trannies???

aren't those like, idk, men?