Kleros is Kanceled

Oh no PNK army, we’ve been found out! Why do they always have to play the woman card?
Captcha: N4GGY
Very fitting

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ill see you in kleros court!

Ooooooooooooooooooooo bullish

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Kanceled because of KurateDAO?
Pinkels keep losing

based jimmy putting that bitch into her place. I miss him so much lads.

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Guys please do not give any reason for these people to scream sexism or harassment

You've really done it this time PNKies
Captcha GRS2W

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Hey Jordan, ur a dumb woman
Cya hahahah

How dar you to be speaking to a womin like this, sirs? I will sentence you to death in kleros court for insulting this milk truck

Kleros does not yet have a death sentence, nor am I convinced that it should.

Sorry Jimmy, I care about Kleros succeeding too. But bowing to the woke mob will only encourage them. Not everything is harassment. Let justice be done.

Pythia is the place for justice.

Was thinking about buying some PNK but now changed my mind. Will never support a racist, homophobic or sexist project.


Please we are not racist sexist or homophobic. Reconsider

Is any of this true? I think I'm getting cold feet bros...

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sir please,, think of the village

just stopped by in this thread to write this ,but it seems I have been frontrunned by this nigger.
I'll see you in kleros court!

the Marc Zeller part is true, he made a website back then that shows the vote of jurors to manipulate the outcome of cases to his benefit. Don't know about Clement though.

it’s over. turns out clement really does have a gay hooker addiction and fede with his alcoholic dependence.

G-guys this is all just fud right? This is the only coin I could afford a suicide stack of, with 15k pnk.

>Don't know about Clement though.
It seems to be true. Sad, I really believed in this project.

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what the fuck is this guy even saying. he sounds like his girlfriend is into fucking retarded people


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competing project attempting to think of anything they can to take down kleros. they can't actually do better than kleros so this is their only real option.

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haha what is this gibberish