Maybe binance has held off on listing NFtb despite the close integration with binance nft because they’re their best...

Maybe binance has held off on listing NFtb despite the close integration with binance nft because they’re their best project and they want to see what they can do on their own two feet

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are you, perhaps, average nftb bagholder?

sure, whatever derange conspiracy that makes you happy chum

come on, it's been four months now, you must've realized that listing is never happening

yes, keep inhaling that copium, keep inhaling it

more like

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wait two months for that one, believe me, it will happen

user is found dead near miami

you have been pushing this exact same narrative for months on end and that is kind of impressive to me. a little strange. don't you think it would be healthier to take the losses and just move on to another coin..?

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for one second i thought the cat was fucking the girl's leg kek

when im cashing that sweet 7 figs i'll make sure to make you know :)


unrelated to your comment, but my cat always do that shit kek

Sticking to exactly what you know and never changing the way you behave is an autistic trait.

or the sign of a millionaire in the making

Fucking cats I want to grab them all and put them into a bag and throw them into a river

can it get worse tho

i'm overdosing on copium frens.... shitcoin holders need to stay together, be strong.... cry on each other's shoulders.... alt-istocrats are fucking us in the arsehole...

More like

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right? why do they come and disconnect all of my shit when im playing vidyia fucking rats

Not buying your bags anyways you poor fag

let a man believe.

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Gee i fucking love cats

It can

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i believe in ze pajeet

No, definitely autism. Millionaires diversify they don't make the exact same thread for months on end kek

oh god this is me right?

They're not listing NFTb because is total trash and a failure

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>feet mentioned
I cum.

how do i profit from this

>they forgot
oh i think you're giving them too much credit

remember eth is dying out and SOL will take its place eoy

so many unfunny fuckin variations of the exact smae repetitive joke

Whales do not care about your stupid coin, stop trying

let him believe, some day he will die with a smile, thinking unshakably that nftb will make him a millionaire

That it is not funny for you does not mean that for the rest it is not, for example, I keep laughing, we are not the same.

muh cope muh cope
grow up and learn from your mistakes, making "le funny meme" wont get you anywhere

I will find you, and i will fucking kill you for saying that

ok doomer

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