I've been hustlin all day. Wanna make some money trees, grow this dollar to million. got anything good for me?

I've been hustlin all day. Wanna make some money trees, grow this dollar to million. got anything good for me?

Attached: TheG.png (828x474, 878.81K)

Just stake hex bro, while t shares are still cheap


go sell some drugs.

dive into crypto, just dont get rekt.

get a good camera then create a content in onlyfans.

You are not perfect ser to tell don't get rekt

rideshare freelance still pretty good right now.

you cant make million on that, you know oil price is hiking.

I had already thought about it, do you think getting a paid crypto guru is a good idea?

Blame zelensky

You're not getting rich but you can be smart about the routes you take and total distance you travel.
You also have to be lucky somewhat but if you're in a dense area with businesses or near airports and shopping, you can do well day to day. I just do it on the side for one service atm, when I've got downtime, but I never take jobs that don't make economic sense.

If I find something that makes me as much money while I'm studying/sleeping, then obviously I'll think about dropping it for that, or still do it and take more money.

Also get new spark plugs and injectors, start using additives and mid-grade on commuters. You'll do fine.

I dont what you're saying man.
will bail me out of jail if get caught?
sounds a plan, but do bitches buy those?
i dont have a car, and I dont know how to drive

and obviously I'm not taking a six-fig salary right now or I wouldn't be doing it. I'd be living off my gains and running a legit business instead.

We'll get there.

Plant it in our backyard and add some cow piss to make it grow.

I'm sure you wanna hear about opportunities on crypto but my advice is that you take a chill pill for that now cos the market is very volatile, except you're an experienced trader or if you can, get in on a platform that can give you earnings from these trades.

well that depends on where you live.

Get some pile of good marijuana and sell it to the police, instant millionaire in the making faggot.

Farming is cool

where can i get that freelance? been looking into some rare jobs on US but can't find one

>spill the milk, cow

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ill do that if you will be my buddy. I need someone to watch my back.

Everybody can get rekt because the market is very volatile, those plebs are dilusional asf.

Don't be a wet ass kisser of those crypto guru. They will just suck up your money.

Kys nigger.

Go dynamite fishing

have you heard of upwork? that is where im grindin right now.

How to I stake HEX and how much would I get staking 1k

eat my shit.

nobody gives a shit about it.

haha. I see what you did there. Nice word play.

Are they paying crypto already? Tired of paypal

Just roam around on some recent DeFi projects out there, I bet you can even just hold your tokens with its pegged version and earn like a boss. Kek.

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Any ideas of projects with this concept?