Look up peers from my mechanical engineering senior class on linkedin

>look up peers from my mechanical engineering senior class on linkedin
>they're all more successful than me

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it's not your fault they like to wage.

>I fell for the mechanical engineering meme

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What the fuck do you want me to do about it nigga?

It wasnt a meme for them but it was for me

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True. I hate waging so god damn much. I was a nobleman in my past life i swear

My dad was an engineer in the 90s. He quit and opened a scrapyard. Based imo

>Family reunion
>Younger cousins are married with kids

I'm convinced there's something fucked up with my brain or something. I went to private schools my entire life, always got A's, occasionally a B here and there. Went to private university got As and Bs whole time except towards the end.

And literally everyone I know who didn't drop out is doing better than I am. I make $19 an hour in the ops division of a big tech company. I graduated nearly a decade ago, I've been working full time since except for a few stints of unemployment here and there between jobs, most of my jobs I've worked for 2-3 years though.

My best friend who didn't go to college is making way more as a truck driver. Everyone I went to college with is even doing better. The dumb women I know who spent their time drinking and getting fucked are all working cushy marketing jobs making over 50k a year, the only one I know not making as much is someone who is a theatre actor in the midwest. Another chick I know makes nearly 50k as a fucking librarian and she didn't even major in that, she literally majored in Women's Studies.

A friend of mine makes okay money teaching english to foreign kids online. Another friend went to law school and is making okay money as public defender, though prob has lots of debt

All of my high school friends who went to a dif college are doing great. Making close to 6 figures in finance or something else. That being said, many are still underemployed for their talents but still, it fucking sucks being literally the least successful person I know.

It's so demoralizing. I'm 30 years old. Do I go back to college and pick a "better" major and hope that in 2 or 3 years I can get a job that pays 2 or 3 times what I'm getting paid now? Do I do a fucking coding bootcamp? Should I just try to become a truck driver? It feels like all options are shitty and even if I get a better paying job it would still suck.

I don't understand how some people get these high paying jobs where they just fuck with excel spreadsheets

>mechanical engineering

I have a friend who got a Master's in Biochemical engineering...best job he can get is installing software and doing tech support not even memeing, he literally got a 36 on his ACT and one of the smartest people I know, and yeah he's doing better than me, but he should be getting high 6 figures doing serious research, instead pressing buttons and showing boomers how to use database software is the best they'll give him

How much money does that make?

I graduated from a top 10 public university in March of 2020, in STEM, took me about 2 years to get a SaaS sales job that Im about to be fired from. The good new is I have very low student debt, $14k and I live close to Tijuana so I'm about fuck of to Meixco for the rest of my miserable life and at least own a shitty house where I can commute into socal for an easy wagie job. I went to a job interview today and got the rejection a couple of hours after the reason being I didn't represent the company's value LOL.

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how old is he? does he abuse drugs and alcohol to cope? There are plenty of biotech companies in the San Diego area, have him reach out over here and he can live in Tijuana with me :)

The difference networking can make is astounding isn’t it.

>How much money does that make?
There's your problem right there

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Welp, I will stick to propane and propane accesories salesman.

>I'm about fuck of to Meixco for the rest of my miserable life and at least own a shitty house where I can commute into socal for an easy wagie job.
Foreigners can't own land within 62 miles of the border. Enjoy your 3 hour commute (6 if border traffic)

I'm have dual citizenship :) and I will also be applying for the sentry pass to get that 10 minute border crossing gotcha there ;)

>look up all my peers from engineering school
>all successful at prestigious institututions doing lucrative consulting work
>facebook, they're all happily married with a wife dog and two kids
>linkedin is exactly as full of accomplishments and plaudits as you'd expect
>meanwhile I worked in a safeway for 5 years after getting my bsengineering while living in mom's spare room
>made millions on doggycoins, am comfyneet retired now with my own paid off condo
>mfw I 1000000% know that I'm richer, happier and less debt ridden than any of these smug shits who look successful on paper
>mfw I have no face

Sounds like you've got it all figured out. Enjoy getting decapitated, Paco.

Just invest and live like a Laotian rice farmer so your descendants can inheritancemog their peers