Why are doomers so obsessed with inflation when it objectively benefits the vast majority of people?

Why are doomers so obsessed with inflation when it objectively benefits the vast majority of people?

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according to a lot of prophecies israel gets destroyed again
just saying

are you really that retarded?

Jewish (Ashkenazic)

it destroys the purchasing power of working peoples cash denominated earnings and savings, while incentivizing dollar denominated debts and pump asset owners bags
its bad for just about everyone but thats connected to the money printer

That's actually a myth. Inflation fucking crushes it, bro. Educate yourself.

>reduces debt (held by the wealthy)
>increases asset prices (held by the wealthy)
>reduces wages (kek)

Intercept now running psyops to dupe wagies. What a decline.

the dollar should never have been the global unit of account

>inflation is 10% (prob 15% actually)
>wagie gets 5% raise this year and CEO shekelburg says thats enough
>benefits the vast majority of people

ahahaha this is a funny troll thread right?

isn't it the opposite as teh one percent wn real estate and derivatives, and stored real goods?

>israel gets destroyed again
>just saying
wouldn't that just be a dream, the jew on the back foot for awhile and society can stop being so fucking degenerate

you're unimaginable stupid if you believe that
please just rope cuz I don't wanna share oxygen with you....

>5% raise
I fucking wish. I work in healthcare. If Medicare isn’t paying more (they aren’t), I don’t get paid more. Fuck Joe Biden.

how is inflation bad for the 1% when for the most part they hold assets?

>doesn’t understand the unequal speed or money distribution
>doesn’t understand that workers suffer inflation for years before wages rise
>doesn’t understand that workers have the highest proportion of their wealth held in dollars

Economics training has gone down the fucking tube. It’s all “line says this” without any use of the brain. Letting midwits into colleges was a horrible, horrible mistake.

The article was clearly written by a Reddit tranny

the truth is the exact opposite, even if someone doesn't have a brain, all they have to do is look at history.
rich people do fine
poor people are in soup lines

Raising inflation means that loans are easier to pay off. Now the poor and middle class can pay off their loans. The student loan debt crisis is about to solve itself.

>inflation is bad for the people whose wealth is primarily held in assets and good for all the people holding nothing but cash

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And violin, problem solved.

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Wow, an article (fancy twitter post). Surely, I can trust THESE hot takes!
(captcha: ahaha)

The overwhelming majority of wagies net present value is tied up in future dollar cash flows which are paid in dollars. Inflation literally steals their future.