BTC Maxies be like: bullish

BTC Maxies be like: bullish

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What is the psychology of maxies who are ridin with biden?

All BTC Maxies display varying states of delusion

Ah so there gonna go make the CEO of bitcoin environmentally friendly?

No, they're just going to block BTC from the exit ramps while also going after internet traffick that's engaged in mining it

He’s not doing anything, be afraid if you’re DeFi though

Phoneposter go back they’re not going to block exit ramps

based dip defi

Lol they probably have to shut off the whole internet if they hate crypto so bad. World leaders, governments can get fucked

They already did in Russia. Why stop there?

tards. mining is going the way of the dinosaur regardless. BTC will be fine but they'll be cracking down on shitcoins. I'm not even a climatefag but having people mining 5 billion different crapcoins 24/7 can't be good

You are an actual NPC

PoW gives value.
PoS stands for PIECE OF SHIT, no better than fiat.

Nice cope NPC retard. God I can’t wait for tokenized carbon credits bitfuck will not cease to exist but it will be taxed to the shitter, wales will dump it and move to faster more efficient and cheap projects.
>captcha: JJGAY

Dumb thread from a dumb buttcoin redditor
Ewwww I'm posting in an empty npc vessel thread you can feel the slimey goo ahhh its turning me into a goyy helllp

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The only slimy goo you’re gonna feel is the one my cock is spurting in you

Ok no doubt I deserve it

Maybe you shouldn’t be such a slut

OP has a massive underwater short position btw

>can't refute argument
>attacks my character in response

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the wealthiest people in the world own btc. Every hedgefund and 90% of wall street execs own some personally.
You are legit newfag zoomer if you think they are going to ban it. You're so fucking new you don't even understand how politicians speak. The always do the opposite of what the words imply - thats why they write them in the first place.

maxis are fucking rarted, what did you expect more than this lmao? If they had an iq point in there they would have known that memecoiners and people who bought ELON early made more profit in a month than they have made all year.

It's human instinct to want to follow a tribe. Let them be lol