Self checkout- A way to save money?

These machines make it incredibly easy to steal from stores. So long as you don’t get to greedy and try to steal everything you could make out like a bandit. This is a way to keep your profits

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Based. I weigh up most things as bananas. Then it doesn’t scream at you for weight differences

>mfw the retarded indian janny who's there to watch for theft starts attacking the person next to me for "stealing" (she wasn't) while i'm in the process of paying $100 for $400 of groceries

Protein powder or light beer.
Busy hours (afterwork, Saturday)
Ghetto area.
Fuck the scanners, just dont even take your shit out of the cart. The machine's bullshit is what clfucks you, slight of hand to remove that from the equation and you're golden

It's based, but a lot of them have cameras too, so you have to be extra careful moving things around.
It's not even worth the risk if they also have a wagie or two that hovers around as well, which I imagine a lot of places do nowadays.

>MFW I load shit into my backpack instead of plastic bags and the weight systems freak out at me, despite doing nothing wrong

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this. every self checkout ive seen has a camera right above the screen showing my face

At my Walmart, they have super high definition cameras on the ceiling above each self checkout.

The self checkout I was using once bugged out and had to have a worker come fix it, but basically it was showing a playback of when I scanned one of the items and said something like “potential theft”

They’ve got some better tech than you think.

Here OP you dropped your mirror

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The cameras are the least of your concerns. Confrontations are the only bits that matter. As long as you can play it like
>Oh, I forgot to scan that thing on the bottom of my cart
Then you're golden.
Note: The feign innocence play only works if you are a civilized race (white, asian, or indian).

this is just a tactic to scare dumb goyim like you, there's nobody actually monitoring those things and i doubt the footage is saved for more than a day at most, if at all.

literally the worst case scenario is the checkout pajeet stops you and you play dumb and deny it or say you didn't realize. there is literally zero consequence even if you were retarded enough to get caught

>i doubt the footage is saved for more than a day at most, if at all.
why wouldnt they save the footage? theres infinite cloud storage now and im sure they can resell any data obtained from it

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Call me a nigger if you want, I'm bot paying above 20 bucks for protein powder

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>t. walmart slave

you're not just a nigger, you're a niggerjew for being stingy

ok nigger

Good thing I wear a mask to stop the spread kek
This is my backup plan desu
Based. I’ll have to do that. I’ve just been ringing up steak as the cheapest meats. Easy enough to swap the stickers

fine i'll let you niggers in on the real trick. buy a trash can from them and fill it up with whatever you want. only scan/pay for the trash can. there you go free shit

>only works if you are a civilized race
if you're black or mexican just wear kakhis and a tucked in polo shirt and dont talk like a monkey

Just hard shit yourself as you scan and whoever doesn't move far away will be more concerned with your wellbeing than which items in your basket are paid for or not.

I’ve ironically done this kek. I have like a dozen trash cans just sitting in my garage

nice. now go fill them up with gas while its still somewhat cheap and resell the gas at a later date