Advise plz

> Be a good lil boy and graduated from university
> Got a B.S. is Business Admin.
> Never been employed
> Live in parents house
> Never learned how to code
> No capital to start any business
> Sitting at home for 2 years and have no idea what to do with my degree and don't know how to get a job.

Please help. I'm backed into a wall, I want to do stuff in business but I have 0 idea what to do or where to apply or anything related to my degree. :(

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Get any job you can find asap
If you got a degree and don't know where to apply you are terminally retarded, so go work for Mc Donalds or something

What’s Business Admin? Folding papers and stuff?

That's bad advice

He should become a serial killer

>Be a lil good boi

Learn excel and SQL and work in Business Analytics. But you know that already because you took classes for it, dummy.

It's like marketing, accounting, and other stuff but just one class on each so it's intro stuff with no real world applications.

Hmmm that's actually not bad advise, but no working experience won't help no?

I was in your shoes OP. I waited 4 years unemployed being depressed living at my parents house. I was applying for jobs but it never worked. Essentially waiting to hit the lottery. Fed up, I went to grad school for 2 more years to fuck some girls and make my resume more attractive. I had sex and flirted with a lot of hot girls but it wasn’t worth the student loan money. I moved to a new city and started washing dishes. Then I worked at an Amazon fulfillment center haha I really needed to make some money. I decided I wanted a desk job so I went to an employment agency and started doing data entry. The lady who trained me there was so fucked up, eventually I outperformed her and got her fired. I moved up a few places in the company and now I am cozy working remotely from home, but I don’t get paid enough. I tried applying to real jobs and landed some interviews but always blew it. I don’t know man I’m kind of autistic and get nervous at interviews. I went all in on crypto with the little money I do have and now it blew up in a decent way and can see myself retiring early. Don’t lose hope user and my advice is get any job and save money for investment opportunities. I see now that anything else is a scam being pushed by normies

What interests you industry-wise? Food, games, farm equipment, etc? If you could get any job what would it be? Did you go to devry?

Thats pretty good advice

>The lady who trained me there was so fucked up
Go on…

Begging thread
>iphone post
>no capital
That's all you need to read the rest is filler this guys a known scammer who makes these fishing threads to bait someone into giving him money, don't ask me how I know.

I should turn to gambling huh.. got it! But seriously I was an early adopter in Monero and 10x what I mined at the time but it only equals like $100

Sounds a lot like what my path is gonna be. Thanks for the advise, you did great!

fuck the rat race user, do some sort of trade apprenticeship and maybe even do trade school bc why the fuck not.
If you want to continue with your degree path, do your masters while working to bolster your resume with whatever the fuck you can get your hands on (look at others resume on linkedin and see what you can do to make urs look like theirs in terms of type of experiences)

Post ur resume on forums like r/resume to get it dogshitted on so u can better it...with the internet at your finger tips the possibilities are endless. You can start your own small gig with whatever you have.
Self improvement is a thing as well, and little improvements can lead you to do great things. 2 yrs of being a neet isnt the best thing but not the end as well.

you will have to job hunt but will be worth it, whatever requirments is in the job description, you will wanna have.
In the meantime get a min wage job to save up whatever you can, but try to avoid fastfood/retail shits. Do something that can atleast lead to something better like construction, airport fbo jobs, and shit like that.

God speed user, wagmi

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I got a degree in Business Administration. Didn't do any internships and had a 2.8 GPA when graduating. I also couldn't find shit when I graduated.

What I did was:

>get a job in a call center doing application support.
A call center will literally hire retarded people, there's no barrier to entry and even though it's shit you can easily get a job doing technical support. You can try to bypass this by getting a certification like Comptia A+/Network+ (easy) and trying to go straight into IT Helpdesk

>after a year in call center got job at MSP doing support for O365/Azure
Spent a bunch of time during call center job learning relevant info and skills to get job at MSP. MSP work is also kind of shit but it actually exposes you to many technologies and forces you to learn quickly

>after 2 years at MSP get a job doing internal IT Support at random international corporation
This job is what I have now, it's WFH and I don't do shit, maybe 1-2 hours of actual work per week, which is just handling emails and tickets. There's no phone queue so I can literally nap or leave to run errands at any point of the day

This path is not ideal and you could skip a lot of the bullshit I did by being more driven and disciplined by earning certs and doing personal labs/projects. From this point, all you do is choose a specific path like cloud/security/etc. and specialize in that to get into the six-figure range. You certainly don't need a degree to do any of this.

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Nah I got money, that's not the point. Even if I ask for money I'll just donate it anyway.

user she…

>a 4’10 Chinese 60 year old lady
>never washed her face and always had eye boogers in the morning
>always ate stinky sulphur smelling boiled eggs at lunch I don’t think she refrigerates them
>first week got mad at me for finishing a pile of work, asks who said I could touch that? When I was brought on to help her
>accused her coworkers of hacking her computer when in reality she was just a paranoid schizo dumbass
>asks me to take pictures of her computer frozen as evidence of her being hacked
>accused her coworkers of following her to the bathroom
>her eyes would propel tears whenever I didn’t take her shit and “professionally” told her off
>bitches at me when I make a mistake
>makes the same mistake she bitches at me for and when I confront her she changes the subject
>stunk like piss (I think she started wearing pheromone colognes around me)
>would always read Chinese zodiac shit on lunch breaks
>had weird Taoist deities all over the cubicle and healing crystals
>one time I got into a fight with her I saw her looking at this black magic looking shit like I legit think she tried to do something to me
>would fuck with my emails in our shared inbox
>the list actually goes on more

Legit she was the most fucked up person I ever encountered. Fuck that dumb bitch. A couple of days after she got fired I ran into her and she was wearing a black winter jacket with her hood up, in the summer time. I just turned around spat in her direction and kept walking

>No capital
You don't have any money capital means money....

So again nice begging thread knife pajeet.
I need 20k so put your money where your mouth is.... but you won't because that defeats the purpose of this thread.

Just want to say thanks to everyone who gave all the good advice. I love you all! I wrote a list of stuff to do over summer like getting A+ certification and checking linked in for ideas! Keep the comments coming, it means a ton to me and others who might stumble across this.

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>Begging thread failed on to his next attempt.

It's a university level secretary.