Russian flag on her entrance jacket and wrestling trunks

>Russian flag on her entrance jacket and wrestling trunks

Yeah, I think she's gonna get monster heat at Revolution.

Attached: BTS01811-678x381.jpg (678x381, 35.4K)

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She's gonna come out wearing Ukraine colors, I guarantee it.

this. It will give her a pop.

literally who

>not having her go full heel Russian and getting the next title shot

this would be based but alas we cant have nice things

This is the company where every wrestler has to book themselves. If she doesn't take the shot at grabbing the brass ring by going nuclear heat with his Russian ties, she's a complete retard.


Can we stop pretending to like this midget

This pussy ass company will never let her go full Iron Sheik

>comes out in russian colors with a mic
>”you wanna see me be professional? Act like a real athlete? Ok, everyone stand up for the national anthem”
>she starts singing the russian anthem without music to loud boos
>kris statlander starts beating her mid song
How hard would you pop?

It's nu-wrestling. By getting "legit" heat fans wants to cancel you because they feel threatned by ideas they dont like
They only want le wacky rascall heel they love to boo, like MJF

I firmly believe they have very .low standards

Attached: 1639867131712.png (1920x1080, 3.82M)

>comes out in russian colors
>"imperialistic scum!" cries some dude with an american flag shirt
it's all so tiresome

>It's go away heat
>She went too hecking far
>There is NO ROOM for these views in AEW
The absolute state of modern fans

Shut up Chang

this, look at the way pathetic edrone cultists treat Hogan these days

If Statlander was smart, she'd rock blue and yellow gear at the PPV

She doesn’t strike me as the political type. Idk about her twitter but her insta is either her working out or hanging with pets.

NO! You have to be political these days or else you are racist!

There is ZERO reason why Tony shouldn't do this. In fact she should interfere in the Rosa Britt match and cost Rosa the match before saying Glory to Russia. Can you IMAGINE how worked those redditors would be

She'd be more over than Britt.

That's not allowed in AEW.

>lesbian who was adopted by an American couple as a child
>remaining pro-Russian going forward
They’re going to start billing her from New Jersey and quietly drop the Russian stuff